Thursday, March 11, 2010

What would Lois do?



. The 1967 Year Book


Good Morning Friends,


today is Thursday March 11, 2010


What would Lois do? I have no idea whatsoever what Lois would do - if she was in my shoes, that is. Check out the picture of Lois above. She is one of my graduating class members from way back in 1967. She is a great looking young woman let me tell you. Like so many others in my Yearbook as well. Look at them all right here:The 1967 Year Book And, here is a post about my life in 1967 if you are interested as well:My Teenage Years: 1967

.I bet you Lois is a happily married woman somewhere and doing something that she wants to do.. Actually, I have no idea what she is doing because she was never in my circle of friends anyway. And, even if she was I probably still would not know. But, undoubtedly, she is successful and on the very verge of retirement just like me. She came across as a successful type if I recall. She has a lot of self-confidence. Maybe she got married and maybe she didn't. I know that lots of my peers never got married. Probably most did though, but who knows or cares anyway?

.But, just what do you think Lois would do if she was me though? I mean, here I am in my early sixties and wondering how to structure the rest of my life. Is this the mid-life crisis that they are talking about all of the time? Actually, I don't even have a mid-life crisis now that I think about it. How could I? Things like that do not concern me in any sort of dramatic way. I am different than the rest of the herd anyway. You guys should know that by now. And, in a sense, I am blessed. If there is a God, that is. I don't think there is, but that is beside the point. If there was a God we would be friends anyway because He is the kind of guy that I would like to hang out with and that is mostly because He would have strong opinions on most things, just like me. I am not really worried about the future though friends. Not really. I mean, I am still alive and kicking, and, as you know, lots of guys are not.

.There is only one great big thing consuming my mind at this time. And, that is my friend up in Alaska. And, you know who I mean. Take a look at my last two entries on this Diary section if you do not know what I am talking about. That is my focus - and will be for the rest of my natural life. And, that is just the way things are - and will be, until I die. I keep hoping and praying that something will break in my favour. I am the eternal optimist as I think you are all aware by now. But, there is one tiny thing that could bring the whole thing crashing down. And, that is where politics enters the picture once again. My life is filled with politics friends. I love it and I enjoy reading about it on the internet. Our whole civilization is just one big inter-connected political web you know, connected by politics and economics and all manner of things. Yes, the world is connected in so many ways. It is just mind boggling. And, the internet is one of those things of course. We can talk to each other. All of us, anywhere in the world at any time we want. And, we can share ideas and our hopes and our dreams. And, that is why I have to tell that if my friend becomes an American, or anything besides a Canadian, then that is most likely the end of my life. That will the end of my dreams and, well, everything. And, that includes this blog. It will be no more and it will have no reason to exist. Just like me. I will have lost the war. So, I am hoping that all of you guys are praying just like me that my friend is a forever Canadian because that is the only thing that will keep the ball rolling. I told you politics was important didn't I?

.So, what would Lois do? Well, I am sure that Lois would do the right thing that is what she would do. Lois would do what she has to do and that is what I am going to do as well. I wonder if Lois is a harness racing fan? Wow! Wouldn't that be something? Maybe she is living in some part of the world where harness racing is a big deal, maybe in Europe or some other part of North America. Maybe Lois is a fellow racetrack enthusiast. Holy Smoke! Now wouldn't that be something. Well, if you are Lois you know where I will be on Saturday at 1600 hrs. See you there if you are coming. Well that is all for now friends, so thanks for reading and have a nice day.
