Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday March 19, 2010
Welcome to Friday friends and the end of another hectic week. I hope you are not laughing too loudly. Well, I do what I have to do to survive right? At least I have a sense of humour if nothing else. Anyhow, tomorrow is yet another racing day at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. I certainly hope the weather will be cooperating that is for sure. I still do not know what went wrong back there last week. I am aware, however, that they had a real winter and we did not. Nothing we can do about the weather anyway so why sweat it right?
The weather is good now and is supposed to last up until Saturday. I like sunny weekends and I know that mostly everybody else does to. I guess it is just one of the little perks you get for being alive and doing a good job. Well, even if that is not the real reason it is a pretty good rationalization anyway. That is something that man does quite well I think; rationalizing his existence, that is. I guess it is just part of his selfish makeup to be able to do that if you know what I mean. I wonder why man is so damn selfish anyway? Any ideas? I mean, there is nothing that you can do about it really when you think about it. If you have a cat or a dog do you think of them as being selfish creatures? Well, they probably are you know when you start to examine their personalities that is. Maybe cats more than dogs though. I am amazed how dogs are so obedient and how they " suck hole " so much, whereas cats seem to have their act together and are more determined in their ways. Cats focus on themselves a bit more I think, whereas dogs tend to look out for their masters a little more - in the domesticated scenarios that is. Now, that is really the strange part for me. I mean, I think cats are cool in the way they conduct their business. If they were little suck holes like dogs then maybe I wouldn't respect them as much. So, I guess you might say that that is the attraction of cats for me. I appreciate the way they take care of themselves and the fact that they can be self sufficient, whereas a dog cannot be. Now that is the thing right there. And, maybe that is why I am a cat one over a dog man. You have to respect cats for being able to take care of themselves. But, dogs are not stupid of course and they make great pets and wonderful aids to all kinds of human endeavours as well. They can be trained to do many useful things, whereas a cat cannot or will not. But, that is the difference. Dogs are obedient and they are willing to pay the price to be taken care of. Dogs play by the rules whereas cats do not. Maybe dogs are not stupid, by just sly and that is another possible angle. But, the reason I like cats though is because they are just like me. They are natural rebels and they are cool.
Enough of this cat and dog nonsense already. I wrote about this kind of stuff way back when on the main part of my blog if you want to check it out. Let's just focus on tomorrow and racing. Yes, that is what I think we should do. So, just a reminder to my friends and acquaintances: if you are popping into town from out of town you know where I will be. And, if you need a ride then just phone me. Post time is 1600 hrs. Bye for now.