.Good Morning Friends,
.today is Sunday March 28, 2010
Not a bad day yesterday friends. A beautiful sunny day and convertible weather too. Made it out to the track like I said I would and had a pleasant time there as well. Spent most of my time socializing with the regular players like myself. And, some of these guys have been coming to these horse racing places for years and years, just like myself. Didn't bump into any close friends, relatives, or acquaintances this time around. Well, maybe next time. Who knows eh? It was mostly a productive day money wise and I won three triactors in all. They were not big payoffs but they paid the freight if you know what I mean.
So, now Judy, what would you do if you were me? I am supposing that you are still going and getting on with the business of figuring this whole life thing out. Quite a challenge eh? Well, I don't know what you would do Judy, but I know what I am doing that is for sure. It doesn't cost anything to be curious or to have ideas on these life matters you know. Life is free for the most part if you know what I mean. Free in the sense that it doesn't cost anything to speculate. Oh, I know that some of you guys are going to spout off right away that there is a cost to everything. And, that is very true. Everything costs something because everything is dependent upon something else. Pure and simple logic. But, we can pretend that things don't cost - right? Well, I certainly do sometimes anyway. I just like to think that my thinking is free, irrespective of the costs associated with being able to think that is. These are just a given anyway, right? Well, of course they are.
Well, Judy I think I am starting to ramble on a bit here on this Sunday morning so I hope you do not hold that against me. But, you know what I was thinking? I was thinking that girls are actually as smart as boys. Yes, I think it is true. They are just as smart and as clever, and maybe just as devious as well. Well, I mean, they are cut from the same cloth are they not? Well, of course they are. Even if you believe the Christian interpretation of things you would have to come to that conclusion as well. Same dirt and same genes and same everything. They are just different sexually that is all. That is the only difference as far as I can tell. Well, maybe man is built a little stronger physically ( there is an anthropological term for that but I forgot the name ) but, what the heck, the brain capacity is the same isn't it? I mean, a woman needs to have her mental house in order too just to be able to survive. Why sure she does. And, maybe she is even a little more cagey too. Think about it. If she is smaller physically then maybe this is her compensatory feature. That is, being able to be more devious than her male counterpart. Well, if you don't like the word devious then about more astute, or just plain cagey like I said. ( I read a similar idea back in my university days about how the Semites of the Middle Eastern deserts became more cagey and ingenious simply because of the dry desert conditions and lack of resources made them tougher mentally; their conditions allowed them to create ways to survive; they were forced into mental survival and they used their brains to survive and prosper. ) Did you ever read the writings by Arthur Schopenhauer and how he characterized women? Sure, he was a misogynist and that kind of thing but he also added something to the debate as well. He told us all about women and how they attract men and get them to marry them and take care of them. Now, that is a pretty good gig if you can get away with it right? Of course it is. And, that is why women are beautiful as well. When they are younger, that is. Schopenhauer talks about these things too. The female uses her beauty to attract a man; she simply uses her physical features to her advantage. Now, that is smart thinking if you want my take on the matter. And, that is why I like and appreciate women. They are good at what they do. And, so, as you can see, even though Schopenhauer was downgrading women he was pointing out another important feature of man, and this case woman. All humans can learn how to exploit their attributes that they were born with. That is the overall ingenuity of man. And, that is why man is the kind of the beasts. So, just what do you think of that Judy?
Ramble, ramble, and ramble on eh? Isn't that what this great life is all about? Now, where did I start this post this morning anyway? What was my focus and did I even have one? Are my thoughts connected in any way whatsoever? Well, I don't think you can get away with the connection now can you? No matter what I say and write down I bet that you can find a connection to just about everything I say. It can be no other way and that is because something causes something else to happen all the time. One idea leads to another and some new idea is formed. And, that is the beauty of the human mind dear friends. You can't keep a good mind down. No way. And, the female mind and the male mind are both good at these kinds of things. Why just think about the physical build of a man or a woman. A man or a woman will capitalize and use to their advantage their very own physical features. And, that includes their minds as well. Women are cagey in their own way, and so are men. They are both interested in sex more or less and they both want to survive. They will do the things that are right for them, in their own time and in their own way. That is what their brains gave them the ability to do. So, I guess this is just another way of looking at life. It is a battle for survival and a battle of the sexes all at the same time. And, who do you think the winner is Judy? Man or woman? Well, I guess the only way to answer that is to figure out what each one is after and then determine for yourself based on the facts who the winner and who the loser is. I mean, if you think winning and losing is what it is all about that is.
So, who knows what Judy would do. I am sure that she is just as confused as the rest of us concerning these male and female matters. But, then again how do we know if Judy is confused or not? We cannot make that determination because none of us really knows Judy or her mind. Maybe the girls are a smarter breed and maybe they have got the whole business figured out. And, how would you know if you were not a girl in the first place? See how confusing the whole thing is? So many questions that need to answered. So little time and so many questions. It is mind boggling now isn't it?