Good Morning Friends,
today is Thursday March 25, 2010
If you have spent any time of my blog you will note that I am quite a political person. You will also note my sometimes rather, " hard core left wing " views. I don't like using the word " extremist " views even though that is how someone from the right might describe me. I don't like the word " extremist " because that is right wing labelling and is insulting to say the least. But, that might be the categorization of someone who does not necessarily know me and would also be the impression of someone who is still addicted to the mainstream media. These people simply have a different mindset than myself and they believe in different things. I left the mainstream media in disgust some time ago. I simply got tired of the lies and the propaganda and war mongering and all the rest. And, yes I even got tired of the entertainment as well. The things that are supposed to pacify you and not make you think about the real issues of our time.
Well, friends I have set myself free that is what I have basically done. The internet is my home now and I love it here. I can find in this part of the world many who think like I do. ( Just as an aside here. Did you know that the majority of Canadians now spend more time on the internet than watching their televisions? A truly refreshing statistic indeed ) But, I can also find those who are not like me and do not believe the kinds of things that I believe in. The sheep ( the great indoctrinated masses ) live here as well just like everybody else. These are the people that I confront sometimes as well. And, I confront the propagandists, the disinformationalists, and the apologists for the system as well. The internet is a free place friends so let us try and keep it that way. You can do whatever you want with the truth, but it is not going to die. You can try and hide it or even destroy it, but is like the Terminator; it will find a way to rejuvenate itself and come back to haunt you. The truth will never die, the real truth, that is. And, it is always there for the ones who want to be able to discover it.
Friends, I highly recommend that you visit a site called Information Clearing House if you want a little bit of data that will make you start to think a little bit. This is a site that attracts personalities like mine; it is a truth seeking site. On this site you find those who criticize governments and what they are trying to do to you. They are trying to control you and also ruining your lives at the same time, that is essentially what they are trying to do. These governments cause wars and they cause debts for you to pay. The governments of today do not work for the people, but rather, they work for the corporations and the bankers. That is the very simplicity of the thing. This kind of information or revelation even, is something that I like to call the truth. So, if you want to be just like me ( do you dare? ) then bookmark the site called Information Clearing House and begin the road to getting your mental house in order. I think you will find the truth a most refreshing thing indeed and it might even set you free as they say. Here is my recommended article from that site this very day: The US is at a Precipice by Tim Gatto.