Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are the gods talking to me again?



Good Morning Friends,


today is Thursday March 4, 2010


Got out yesterday and did some shopping friends. Mostly just pleasant shopping, not even work, like shopping for groceries. Nope, just fun shopping. ..I bought another video too. It is called " The Day After Tomorrow " and it cost me $6.99. I play these DVD's right on the computer of course. Not a bad flick at all and it is really quite good in the graphics department. It is about a new ice age that develops quickly and threatens society. I am starting to wonder if I stumbled upon this video and bought it because of my comments yesterday. You may recall me talking about how worried I was about current events and that kind of thing. Well, maybe the gods are trying to tell me something in a round about kind of way. They do work in mysterious ways as you well know.


I notice that the stock market is going backwards again today. What else is new eh? I don't think there is much to support the market really. I mean, the consumer is frapped out in so many ways. You know all of the stories so I don't have to repeat the problems for you. I am just letting you know that I do not have much faith at all in the markets. There are simply too many unknowns and there is too much debt out there. The U.S. has to get its house in order and that is not going to happen anytime soon. It is a war economy and it is ruled by the elite corporations and the bankers. Beat these guys and then get back to me.


I might even dash out to Cloverdale later on today and buy a racing form for Saturday if it is sunny out. It can wait til tomorrow of course, but if it is sunny out then that will give me something to do. Just to let you know I have been going over some of my old racing forms and the data that I told you about earlier does not really help me. In fact, it hinders my main handicapping system by altering my five top picks which are still viable. I think the only merit to the system might be to show me where I might include or exclude some horse that I am worried about and that is threatening the overall system. So, I will not be incorporating this data in to the system right now. It would just mess things up as I say. Don't forget to think about popping out to the races on Saturday if you are in town. This message for my friends and acquaintances of course - and don't forget to vote on my latest post over on the main part of my blog as well. ..almost forgot. The weather looks to be OK for Saturday in New Jersey. So, that is good news of course. Check out the weather link over to the right to see what I am talking about.