Monday, August 31, 2009

I don't think hate is the right word here....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday August 31, 2009
Well, it is the end of the month and I am going to work today. The foot is mostly better, but now I have gone and pierced one of my toes with some sharp wood. I was doing some yard work yesterday and that is how it happened. Fortunately though, it is confined to a small portion of one toe so it should not affect my performance at work.
I guess some of you guys are getting tired of my diatribes and the topics that I focus on. Like, maybe I spend too much time on government and politics and conspiracies and that kind of stuff. Well, I have to go where my mind and interests tell me to go so don't blame me. And, then there is the girl of my dreams which gets a lot of coverage too. To repeat, I simply have to go where my interests are. Like this morning, for example. So, what is on my mind? Well, sex and just the very idea of how predominant this thing is in our lives. However, even before my mind was getting wound up about this topic it was concerned with something else. That something else was hate and the idea of not liking someone anymore. For me that would be girls and for some of you it might be a male. Now, a former acquaintance of mine who is a male said to me that " you end up hating them ". He was talking about girls that you do not like anymore, you know, past girls in your life. Frankly, I do not agree with this assessment. Because I was just thinking of all of the girls in my life who I have liked or had a crush on, etc., and I don't think I hate any of them. I just don't think about them much. So, maybe that is the key to the whole thing about girls and past relationships and their effect on your psyche. Your mind just loses interest in them. So, it has nothing really to do with hate, it is just simple lack of interest. You simply stopped liking them intensely or whatever and they then they became non-issues that is all. Therefore, hate has not much to do with it at all. I think I would redefine hate here and simply say that you lost interest in your former love or lust objects for whatever reason. They fell out of favour that is all. Maybe they did not live up to your expectations and they just weren't cracked up to what they were supposed to be. They let you down mentally perhaps. You found out something about them that made you look and think differently about them. You don't hate them necessarily because if you did you might still be thinking about them and that would be a bad thing, generally speaking I mean. So, what it boils down to I guess is that you do not hate them they have just become less meaningful in your life. And, now that I think about it some of the happiest times in my life are when I am alone just enjoying nature and all that is has to offer. You are free to be alone and to just enjoy things. There is no other human being to get in the way and clutter this relationship. Hope this helps guys.
Here is part 7 of the BBC 9/11 Conspiracy:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A little dream and a big nightmare....

Good Morning Friends
today is Sunday August 30, 2009
Got quite a bit of work done over at the house yesterday. You know, cleaning up and cutting the grass and that kind of thing. I really put in a heavy day so I did indeed feel better after it was all over. I still have to put in another serious day today as well because the work is not yet complete. ...And, just think: I was completely out of action with my injured foot not too long ago - the world was a totally uncertain place....The weather on Saturday was fantastic once again and there was nothing to complain about at all. Here is a link to our local weather if you are interested.
I had a little dream this morning. It was really quite neat. It was about my dream girl and those are my favourite kind of dreams as you can well imagine. Well, anyway, there were some other parts connected to the dream and they all centred on horse racing. The part where she comes into the dream is when she is driving a big convertible with a male passenger. This male passenger had white hair. That is not the important part of the dream. The really important part is that she is in control and she is heading to the track. Now, that was a great dream friends.
The nightmare part of my report this morning concerns 9/11. I have been watching quite a few videos lately related to this crime of the century. And, it was indeed a totally obscene crime friends let me assure you. I just finished watching Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut. I have seen these Loose Change vids in the past, but not this one. The creators of this film are quite bold in their accusations. They are claiming that it was an inside job of course, but they are also really coming down hard on the government and basically accusing them of complicity and of having been part of the whole thing. I would encourage everyone to watch as many of these videos as possible because once you do you will immediately begin to see all of the unanswered questions related to this event. But, the big thing that comes out in all of them is the secrecy of the government and their unwillingness to provide us with basic information related to the events. You really get the impression that they are hiding something. It just makes them look guilty. Seriously guilty of something in my opinion. I am surprised that there are still people out there who criticize people who want to get to the bottom of this thing. And, I am not just talking abou the freaks and shills on Fox News either. I am talking about regular people like you and I. People that continually watch the mainstream media all of the time are simply not exposed to the conspiracy theories which question the government and their knowledge of the event. But, then, that is part of the plan now isn't it? In this Loose Change edition ( found below ) I kind of forgot about the unusual circumstances surrounding flight 93. This is the plane that was supposed to have crashed in a field near Shankesville, Pennsylvania. Well, I did not forget about it, I just maybe forgot about the idea that this plane landed in Ohio rather than crashing. This is a really weird occurrence, so watch the film and find out why.
I am going to try and embed this Loose Change version below, but a lot of times these Google videos do not embed properly, so I will provide you with a link as well and that will work for sure. First the link:
And, now here is a direct link to the video.

And, here is
part 6 to the BBC series on the 9/11 Conspiracy:

Saturday, August 29, 2009 rest for the wicked....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Saturday August 29, 2009
Hard to believe that August is almost over, but it is and there is nothing that we can do about that. Remember, I spent the first three weeks in my chair here babying my foot back to life after the injury. So, it was good to get back to work for a week at least. I guess it is kind of like the salmon fishermen who only get to work a few days a year. You know, like when there are enough salmon left coming into the rivers. What happened to our abundant salmon stocks anyway? Well, the Mighty Fraser River still looks good anyway and maybe in the future we will replenish the runs and be back to normal. ...Anyhow, I digress of course. The picture above is the Cruise ship centre or the Trade and Convention Centre. All of the big ocean liners tie up here and on the other side of the building as well. I took this photo some time in the Spring of this year and I just thought I would show it to you again. If you pop over to the main part of my blog you will see a video of this structure that I took with my camcorder in July. Here is the link:
Not much else to report friends. I have a couple of days off and I have lots of work to do so I really have to get it done. I think the weather is supposed to be good for the next few days as well. Here is a link to some webcams of Vancouver and you can also check out the weather forecast:
And, here is part 5 of the
BBC Conspiracy and 9/11



And, if you are interested in this aspect of 9/11 here is a link to something that they are talking about in the above clip. It is called The PentaCon:


And, here is a link to the PentaCon if the above video will not open:


PentaCon Link Here


Friday, August 28, 2009

You don't have to believe it you know....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday August 28, 2009
I don't really have any kind of a theme this morning friends, so I guess it is kind of a free for all if you know what I mean. Something that just popped into my mind though was the idea of how we seek security, and corresponding to that is our belief system. I am thinking of someone I know and they shall remain nameless of course. Thinking of this person made me realize how we cling to ideas or beliefs that are illogical and irrational to put it bluntly. Yet, we still adhere to certain things because they make our world intelligible and manageable. I hope some of you can grasp what I am trying to say because I don't want to provide too concrete an example lest I reveal the individual or individuals that I am thinking of right now. But, perhaps another example then. How about the Kennedy assassination or even the current topic of 9/11? Friends these two items are prime examples of conspiracies. They are by definition conspiracies. Yet, a good portion of the population in the States would have nothing to do with the idea of a conspiracy, that the government was even remotely involved in these things - even in a remote way. Why would people even deny the very idea of a conspiracy related to these two topics? What makes them so sure that their government is as pure as the driven snow? Well, just think about that for a while friends and hopefully you will begin to understand what I am talking about. One of the things that your mind might uncover or think about is the role of religion here. There is a connecting dot here I feel. In religious societies such as in Canada, but more so in the States I feel, people are almost unshakable in their belief in God. These hard core Christians that I am thinking about if I could use that phrase, are very steadfast in their ways. God IS and that is the end of the story. There is no debate and there is no movement from the belief or the myth if you will. They cannot allow themselves to be separated from their belief in God. They will not even engage in meaningful debate about the issue. It would simply ruin their reality and understanding of things. It wouldn't make sense and it just could not be if God did not exist. He must. And, so it is with something like 9/11. Some people just will not accept the idea that all is not well and that some evil force did this act, an evil force that might be closer to home than they would like to think, that is. But, it is not just 9/11 or other similar events, it is lots of things. Friends, the whole thing boils down to what people believe. I guess it is like their personal makeup kit of beliefs and suspicions and the like. People believe because some authority earlier on in their lives introduced an idea into their heads. And, they live with these ideas into adulthood and nothing shakes them loose from their psyche. But, yet they find out that there is no Santa Claus and they are not unduly harmed by the revelation. How is it that they can come to grips with this reality but not accept the notion that other beliefs and myths might not be real or logical? Why do people not want to budge from some core beliefs? The short answer friends is because it is too risky to do so. I think that is the best answer that I can provide to you at this time.
Well, last day on the job and then I have some work to do over at the house. So, that will be consuming my weekend for me. No more Meadowlands Racetrack to worry about right now. So, I cannot even ask if anybody is coming into town to find out if they want to go or not. My world has changed as you can see. My focus must change as a result of there being no more racing for a while. Am I doomed? Will the world come to an end because racing is taking a sabbatical? I think not friends.I am a little more flexible than that. I am wondering if all of the important people know that.
Here is part 4 of the BBC conspiracy documentary:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another heavy thinking kind of day....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Thursday August 27, 2009
The foot is coming along nicely so I just thought I would get that out of the way right off the bat. Also, it was a little busier at work as well. It is getting closer to the end of the month after all. The main thing that I want to talk about this morning is the girl of my dreams. Anyhow, she commanded most, if not all of my attention yesterday while I was on the job. Now, I am thinking it was the death of Ted Kennedy that got that going. Why? Well, because of the last name maybe and also because of the brain cancer. This is clearly a health related issue, and well, my dream girl is a health professional. So, that is the big connection, I suppose. Anyway, that is what triggered the intense mental preoccupation of my mind yesterday. It just seemed like it consumed my mind all day long. As if it doesn't on most days eh? Well, yesterday was just one of those more intense thinking kind of days. So, that got me to taking a couple of videos right off the bat while I was having a coffee and a muffin at McDonald's in Guildford fairly early on in the morning. This particular McDonald's is right across the street from Guildford Town Shopping Centre. In the video below I am looking towards the west. It was another beautiful day you know. Just gorgeous actually. And, I don't really know what the weather was like while I was stuck at home nursing my foot either. But, it is nice now though. Perfect weather for the PNE of course. Speaking of the PNE I did not go last year since I went the year before and it was just so expensive to get in and to park. So, I said the hell with it. How can they charge so much money to get in there? Well, I worked there for years in the carnival business so I never had to pay or anything like that. But, what a burden on the suckers let me tell you. Forget it. Anyway, back to McDonald's and my music. I have my CDs on board of course so I just stuck one in and started playing some tunes and taking a video. This one CD that I have has some really great oldies on it. Like Sarah Vaughan and Broken Hearted Melody and also a Tommy Edwards song: Its All in the Game. That is one of my all-time favourites of course. And, Release Me by Engelbert Humperdinck is on it as well. Here is Broken Hearted Melody. Naturally I was thinking of my buddy while I was playing it. What else would I be thinking of? You can check out the link off to the right for more of my videos as well. Also, you can find them all at Uploads by cbaydalavideos . There are 22 altogether now.
Sarah Vaughan -
Broken Hearted Melody 1959
at the McDonald's in Guildford

Actually, I almost forgot. I think the highlight of my day was when I was going over the Lions Gate Bridge right around lunch time. I was coming in from the shore and heading into the downtown core of Vancouver. Well as I was driving over the bridge and checking out the great scenery a seagull was flying above me and over the bridge heading towards the east. And, in his claws was a tiny and, undoubtedly, freshly caught fish. He must have just scooped it up from the waters of Burrard Inlet below and was flying off to a place in which to enjoy his meal. Now, that is success my friends. That seagull made my day let me tell you and allowed my brain to have a couple of seconds rest from my intense thoughts.
Oh, what the heck. Here is the other video from McDonald's. It is Engelbert Humperdinck singing: Release Me or Please Release Me.

And, here is Part 3 of the
BBC Conspiracy about 9/11:


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another day another death....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Wednesday August 26, 2009
Things picked up a bit at work yesterday so that was neat. I made it out the Chilliwack and even Misssion. It is always fun heading out east into the Fraser Valley. That is one of my favourite trips. I kind of forgot just how much traffic is on the roads. There are cars and lineups everywhere. Where do all of these vehicles come from? Oh well. There is certainly not much that we can do about the traffic now is there?
The foot is getting better everyday and it is not bothering me at all while on the job. And, that is a very good thing too. ....I notice that Ted Kennedy died and he was a real fighter in my opinion. Mr. Kennedy was against the Iraq War from the beginning. That makes him very special in my books. Here is a tribute to the man:
You do recall that two of his brothers were assassinated. I certainly remember what I was doing on Friday November 22, 1963 when JFK died. Do you? That was the wake up call friends. You might want to check out the main part of my blog where I talk about this event and my teenage years. ...Anyway, Ted Kennedy was a real champion for health care reform and America certainly needs some movement in this direction. Another great American politician gone.
Here is the second part of that BBC video on 9/11:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to work and back on track....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Tuesday August 25, 2009
Made it back to work yesterday and that was a lot of fun. You bet, I just enjoyed getting back on the job since I was away for so long. You know the feeling friends. Just being back and feeling snugly and secure. Like, do you remember the times perhaps when your car was getting some big repair job or being fixed up after some big accident and you missed your car for a week or something like that? And, you were just so happy to get it back. Or, maybe even on a smaller scale like when you had a flat tire and were stranded on the freeway or something like that. And, the vehicle got fixed and you were back in action again. Or, maybe you thought you were going to die and you went to the doctor and had some tests and found out that you were going to live. That kind of feeling friends. Knowing that the world is not ending and that everything is safe and sound in your life. People need to feel secure and to know that their world is not crumbling down in front of them. It is just plain old human nature to want to live in peace and harmony. So, that is what it was like for me going back to work after being laid down for three weeks. It was a return to normalcy and contentment.
And, the weather was fantastic as well. Beautiful August weather, not too hot and just right temperature wise. Lots of sunshine and just feeling good things and people all around. And, lots of pretty girls to look at too. They were everywhere friends. .. It was good to see some of my old workmates again as I bumped into them in the downtown core. Mostly they were all complaining though, about the slowness in the work. It really is not much work wise so everybody is talking about it of course. But, that is what couriers do of course, they talk about how the work is going. And, quite frankly, it is going pretty slowly at the moment. But, then, as you may realize that was not my big concern. I was just happy to be back and out and about in the sunshine.
Here is a nice little video that Google sent me this morning in my 9/11 updates file. This video is certainly pointing in the right direction in my opinion. There is something wrong with the Official Conspiracy Theory as any sane observer will quickly realize. You might want to take out ten minutes of your life and watch Part One of the series:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to work on a moody Monday....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday August 24, 2009
Well, almost back to normal friends. The foot is healing up nicely and the worst of things look like they are all behind me now. Going back to work and make some dough. That will be a nice change I think. Did you catch my videos from yesterday, the ones I that I took on Saturday just after racing was over? Still watching videos on Secret Societies and the New World Order and that kind of thing. That is where my mind is at right now. It is best to keep the mind occupied I think, the subject matter would seem to be the least of my worries. Talk to you all tomorrow.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

All better now....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday August 23, 2009
Well, happy Sunday friends. I am feeling quite a bit better this morning. My foot seems to be coming along and I think I will go to work tomorrow and try and recover some of the dough that I lost by not being able to work for three weeks. Let this be a lesson to you now. If I was a religious person I would probably be praying to some god and thanking them that everything turned out all right. You know what I mean, that I did not have to chop off my foot and that kind of thing. And, let me assure you dear friends that foot did look really ugly in the early stages. It was actually quite creepy because I was getting penicillin and other anti-biotics, plus a tetanus shot and the like. You start to imagine if they are going to chop off your foot and all kinds of stuff like that. I mean, how often do guys mess up their foot like that and then have to look at the horrible thing as well? Anyhow, I am not religious but I am thankful nonetheless that it appears to be coming along now. Would it be blasphemous or heresy if I thanked the " gods " for my good fortune? Good fortune being described as just surviving and getting a workable foot back I mean? Well, I don't know who or what is responsible for my healing. I am partly responsible I suppose for just taking care of it. Maybe nature gets some of the praise here since she is always there and working away if you know what I mean. But, you know, you cannot make a statement like that without invoking some kind of comment from the religionists you know. And, that is because these people think that God is responsible for everything. It is God's will that I am alive and that I am able to survive things like this. Do you believe that? There is more to this stuff than meets the eye you know. I think it is just a turf battle actually. I mean, I have watched tons of videos while I was in sick bay and there is a great battle going on between the believers of God and those who believe in something like Satan. You can think of the believers in nature for example as Satanists to some degree I suppose. That God is found nature and that kind of thing. But, maybe I am misinterpreting a bit here. Because Christians see Satan as an evil force and as a competitor to God. Actually I think they are both in need of a little work on their psyche actually and understanding of things. They are both mystics, believing in ideas about God and Satan and thinking that forces beyond our control are controlling us and our destinies. Actually, I think the Satanists have a stronger case, especially when you look at all of the symbolism around us, and examine history and that kind of thing. Their thinking takes them back to Egypt and Babylon and even brings astrology into the picture. Yes, dear friends just start examining this stuff because it is all quite interesting. Saturn is the key to the whole thing, the belief in this planet and its influences upon us. I am talking about the Masons dear friends and the kinds of things that they believe in - such as world government and domination and that kind of thing. How the hell did I wind up here just by talking about my foot anyway? Weird eh?
Anyhow, I made it out to the track yesterday and it was the last day of racing at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. I am downloading a couple of videos right now in the background. I am putting them on to You Tube. So, when they are finished processing then I will publish them here. I did not win anything much and now it is time to take a rest from the track. I have lots of work to do around the house anyway so that should work out well. I am just glad that my foot is finally recovering that is all. Now, just think if I had my own private nurse, wouldn't that be great?
Fraser Downs Racetrack:

Cruising home with Roy Orbison and 'I'm Hurtin '


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Last day for racing at the Meadowlands....


Vancouver, B.C. Webcams
Good Morning Friends,
today is Saturday August 22, 2009
Hopefully, we are getting back to normal friends. Well, as is normally and humanly possible for Carl Baydala that is. Not exactly sure what the weather has in store for us, but there is a weather forecast contained in the above web cams if you are interested. Have to get an oil change for the unit above and then I will be heading over to the track at Cloverdale. Post time is 16:00 hrs local time.
This is the last day for racing at the The Meadowlands Racetrack in New Jersey so it is now or never if you are coming down from Alaska, or wherever. The racetrack in New Jersey will crank up again in the Fall and get me all excited again, like it does every year of course. So, I missed a couple of weekends of racing because of my injury. Do I care? Not really. And, the reason? ..I know that fate is fate and that whatever will be will be and as you can see what happened happened and what will happen will just happen, and whether I like it or not.
So, what am I going to do now that the track is coming to an end? Well, what I usually do, and that is to lie low until the track reopens later on in the year. Or, I could get another foot injury and then I wouldn't even worry about it. Do you think the gods would do something like that? I think the gods would do whatever pleases them, that is what I think actually.
Anyway, it is kind of a treat getting out and about since I have been sidelined for so long now. And, I haven't even driven my car for quite a while either. My foot injury is my clutch foot you know, but I think it will be OK. I went out yesterday and bought some sandals for my feet. I figured that would be the best way to protect my foot from scraping and the rubbing of my sock upon the injury and that kind of thing. But, in any event it will be fun just to get out and about again. So, see you at the track if you are coming. Bye for now.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A footnote for you...

Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday August 21, 2009
I am feeling a little better today friends. Today's post will be just a short footnote. My foot seems to be coming along nicely and it looks like I will be able to make the track tomorrow. I have been basically lying low for a good three weeks now, you know, not participating in any social or work activities at all. But, I know that the gods do things in their own way and at their own pace. I trust and love the gods as you well know.
I am looking outside but I cannot see the sun. It should have been up by now, but yet I cannot see it. It is just after 9:00 AM. I am not sure if this is an ominous sign or not. I might venture out today and buy some new foot ware for my still sensitive foot. It only just began recovering on Wednesday you know, so that is how delicate it really is - it took three weeks to heal and to form skin. ...So, I must do my best to protect it if it is going to get back to its original condition. Oh well, something to baby I suppose. Will let you know tomorrow morning if I am going to the track for sure. But, in the meantime if you are popping into town from out of town do not be afraid to contact me. This message for my friends and acquaintances of course.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

LIght at the end of the tunnel....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Thursday August 20, 2209
Just looking at my foot and it seems to be looking better. Light at the end of the tunnel?... Well, I have certainly babied my injured foot for a very long time now, so I should hope so. I guess I would make a pretty good nurse actually now that I think about it. I mean, I am caring, attentive, and I am patient. All good qualities I think. Anyway, not much else to report at this moment in time. Thinking about going to the track on Saturday only because I have some other business out that way. So, if you are popping into town from out of town and want to go then just phone me, otherwise see you there around 16:00. Actually, this is not a done deal, so I will let you know for sure on Saturday morning if I am really going or not. This is a message for my friends and acquaintances of course. Talk to you all later.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Christians are on my side....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Wednesday August 19, 2009
Still resting and nursing my wounds friends. It is not over yet I am afraid. This is week number 3. But, there is always a bright side to these things as you may expect. I am getting a lot of video time in that is what I am doing. I am mostly concentrating on this New World Order business and global domination by the elites. The power in the world is being concentrated and controlled. That is the message that I am getting. And, America is now a fascist state, more or less, and the people have little or no power. The corporations and the banking elite have all of the power. I knew quite a few of these things already of course and it is nice to get some reinforcement for my ideas. I was particularly pleased to note that there really is an Anglo-American connection. I am not day dreaming about these things. So, that made me feel really good to know that I am not just some run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist. What I believe is actually true. And, it was further rewarding to find out that there is confirmation for my beliefs coming from the Christians as well. Here is a neat four part video series on Bible prophecy and world government. Many of my beliefs were confirmed by watching this worthwhile documentary shown below. Just to let you know that I would have preferred to imbed these videos, but the google videos do not imbed very well. Also, these are short 20 minute segments and they are easy to follow and understand:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nursing and learning....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Tuesday August 18, 2009
Still resting and nursing my foot friends. Quite a calamity eh? Well, you bet and that is why I never mess with the gods. For they know what they are doing and that is a fact. Here is a thirteen part video series with Alex Jones and Michael Tsarion. They are discussing New World Order things and conspiracies and the like. This is where I am at mentally in case you have not noticed. And, I am putting partial blame on Google too. Since they are recommending these videos to me when I visit Google Videos. I guess they really do know what I want to watch. Anyhow, here is the link to this interesting series. This is part 1 and the other parts are easy to link to once you finish the video:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday morning recap....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday August 17, 2009
Once again friends, not much to report this morning. Hopefully, this will be my final week nursing my foot back to life. Let us hope of course. I have been watching quite a few videos as you can imagine, you know, the things that interest me the most, that is. I am really into conspiracy theories like 9/11 for example. It does not look like those 19 Arabs actually did that you know and much work needs to be done to uncover the culprits. I watched some English history, and even Russian and Ukrainian as well. I watched the banking videos again as well, especially the creation of the Federal Reserve and what it all means, especially to the health of the U.S. economy. I watched quite a few vids as well on Masonry and the Illuminati. And, I topped things off by watching a lecture on consciousness as well. I looked at the Egyptians and noticed how that culture is connected to our present day circumstances as well, you know, the Masonic connection. And, that is a big interest of mine of course, you know, all of the Masonic influence on the American dollar bill, for example. I watched the New World Order vids and I am especially interested in who has all of the power and doing the controlling in the world. So, those are the kinds of things that interest me just in case you want to know. Well, that is all.
Here is a sample of the kind of videos that excite me. The theme expressed in the following video, for example, is an idea that I heard a long time ago, maybe even before it was explained in the video below. Please note that this video was produced on May 19, 2008. It is essentially predicting the financial fallout that we have all now experienced, and are still experiencing.

Here is another fine video which explains things in a different way: 2012 - The Future of Mankind

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday morning mellowness....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday August 16, 2009
I am feeling a little better this morning friends. I think my foot is finally making some progress and, hopefully, things will soon be back to normal. One more week should do the trick, and then we will be back being productive and part of the working and social world. We shall see of course. These things are always the territory of the gods naturally enough, but there is always the pleasure of hoping for the best. And, speaking of hoping for the best, once again a deadline looms in front of us. At midnight tonight yet another deadline will be upon us. I hope that K.L. is giving my latest proposal the serious consideration that it deserves. I placed a couple of new videos over on the main part of the site. It is two videos being conducted by a Jewish gentleman, a rabbi I suppose, and he is detailing for us the astrological personalities of both a Sagittarian and an Aquarian. I thought that might be something that my readers would appreciate and they will be able to see what kind of people both K.L. and I are. Actually, I found his analysis of the Aquarian quite good. There are indeed some characteristics that can be attributed to me. For example, I don't like lending or borrowing money and I do not like authority at all. Also, I do not like being pushed into something and when I am ready to do it, well, I will do it on my own time. Good observation. So, I am glad that these things came out in the video because they are quite true indeed. Well, that is about it for now so talk to you all later.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The power to overcome power....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Saturday August 15, 2009
....still resting and waiting for my foot to heal. That is the big news of the morning friends. Today is a racing day, but that matters not of course. I cannot attend because of my accident. We must control our desires once again. I suppose it is the same thing as looking at a beautiful woman, but not being allowed to touch her or anything like that. Do you see how very cruel life can be sometimes friends? But, fear not because life is only as cruel as you make it out to be. I mean, just think about it. Using the beautiful woman example if I may: a good looking woman is only good looking if you think she is. Why not pretend that she is ugly if that will help you along - to rid yourself of desire and the like? I suppose you could travel along that route if you wanted to - to eliminate this woman from your mind, I mean. But, to really solve your problem you don't actually have to do anything drastic at all. You do not have to pretend anything, just simply be yourself and believe in yourself. That is all you have to do. That would be my recommendation to you. I mean, what is desire and wanting anyway? Do you remember when you where a child and you wanted candy or some toy or something else that you just had to have? Do you cry and did you get it? Did your parents give in to you and your demands? Well, if they did they certainly were not very good parents now were they? No, they were very bad parents and bad teachers all at once. They taught you that you could have everything you want. And, that is a fallacy. And, then when you got older you wanted and demanded things - and you expected to get them. Well, fortunately for myself I came from a relatively poor family and I could not get all of the things that I wanted. Material things that I wanted I had to work for, I could not cry and simply get them. And, so it is with women, beautiful women. The desired ones. You cannot have them all and your desires may simply not be fulfilled. Well, that is the position that you should take at the outset when it comes to wanting and desire. That is how you should approach this matter. Approach it with the soundness of knowing that you cannot always have what you want. I know that this is sometimes difficult for you to do, but it can be done, and it can be accomplished in all situations as well. You will soon see that desire will become just a pleasant memory once you incorporate this technique into your life. You must realize that you cannot have all of the things that you want. Do you remember once again when you were a child and the spoiled kids got everything that they wanted? And, maybe they got better cars than you did when you got older as well. And, maybe even better jobs and houses too. And, maybe they even ended up marrying a pretty girl as well. Are you envious or are you jealous perhaps? Well, you would be a great fool if you were let me tell you. Why would you want to be exactly like the person who has everything including the pretty girl? Why would you want to be living the very same kind of life as them anyway? How do you know that they are happy with all of their material things, including their material beautiful wife? Just how do you know how happy - or unhappy they are? Why should you even care? Well, you should not care or worry about anything except yourself. You should just be happy with what you have, knowing that nobody gave you anything except the ability to breath and to be yourself when and wherever possible. You cannot ask for a greater gift than that my friends. Now, some might say and legitimately enquire: Do I have to go through life being happy with less than others when they do not really deserve the things that they have acquired? Is that fair? To answer this question properly I need to say that I think that fairness is really an attitude issue, and a power thing all at the same time. Yes, good old power. We really never get away from that guy now do we? Yes, friends. Wanting and needing things is really all about power and the ability to get the things that you want out of life. So, you want a pretty girl and you cannot have her. Is that the end of the world and is it fair? No, it is not the end of the world and whether or not it is fair or not is a function of your attitude to the idea of getting the girl or not. It is a power thing. And, to remove desire, you must remove the power. And, you can do that. Power is the ability to control the desires in your life. And, power can cause problems, even great problems. You simply defang power and you move on friends. That is all you have to do. You have given that thing power that you desire and not the other way around. Think about it. There are most likely numerous times in your life when you wanted something and then it was denied to you. You did not die when you did not get it and the world did not end. The power and the control it had over you simply ended. It ended because you came to the realization that you really did not need that thing that you desired in the first place. Your physical and mental desire was put in its place and you took control of your life; you slayed power and you regained your sense of self worth and you became happy once again. And, you did all of that by putting desire in its place and showing it who is boss. Something else that you might want to incorporate into your life is this idea. Man is a never satisfied creature you know. He desires things and then he goes about the business of acquiring them in the best way that he can. Well, just think about that guy that has everything, including the beautiful girl. Do you think he is totally happy? And, what do you think he is going to do when he is tired of his happiness? You need to rationalize your situation and make sense of it that is all. I have tried to give you some clues on how to handle these things, so hopefully they will help.
I cannot go to the track today friends because my foot is not yet better. Am I against the world because this is the case? Am I envious and mad and is desire controlling me and my wishes? Of course not. Racing is fun and so is the pretty girl. But, both of them can stand in line and wait until I am ready to receive them and all of the pleasures that they can muster. Today I am busy with other things, so begone with you and your desire. Take your wares and flog them elsewhere.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Some Friday morning issues....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday August 14, 2009
Not much to report this morning friends. I am still nursing my wound and just basically relaxing and studying things that I am interested in on the internet. Been watching quite a few good videos, mostly educational things of course. That is pretty well my schedule right now.
I have kind of got the stock market on the back of my mind as well. The economy is still rather fragile if you want my opinion on the matter and I sense that there is risk in the equity marketplace. I am still pretty heavy in cash and I am not about to deploy great gobs of it into stocks and the like. I just do not know what is going to happen next. I think the banks are not out of the woods yet and the American consumer is really under pressure here. This banking crisis has just caused so many problems. The part that still bothers me about the whole mess is that nobody is pointing any fingers at anybody. And, I think that they should be. Look at all of the problems that arose because somebody was not doing their job properly. Whether it be the Federal Reserve itself for not regulating the banks properly or the laws as allowed by the politicians themselves. The result is the same no matter who is to blame. But, somebody is to blame and now we are all paying for their mistakes and mismanagement. We have a crappy economy on our hands and it was caused by greed and a complicity that allowed that greed to occur.
Still a few hours left for K.L. to pick up the phone and say " yes " if that is what she wants to do. I know that I am saying " yes ", but we need two " yeses " to make it all happen of course. Is " yeses " a word? Good grief, it sure looks weird doesn't it?
Dear K.L. ..Just some reminders below on how to get hold of me should you decide to go for it.

.And, my voice mail is in good working condition also. I just changed the password so I am already to go. And, if you want to surprise with me with an e-mail, well, that will be perfectly fine too:
604-785-5981 - 24 hrs ( 25 for K.L. )



Thursday, August 13, 2009

More time for love and feet....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Thursday August 13, 2009
Normally around this time of the week I would be reminding my friends that Saturday is a racing day and that if anybody was interested in going post time is 16:00 local time. I guess I could still issue a reminder to everyone because racing at the Meadowlands in New Jersey will indeed be taking place. Only problem is of course, I will not be there. You can always go on your own I suppose and check things out, but just to let you know - I will not be there. And, the reason I will not be there of course is because of my foot injury. It would just be too painful and stupid to put extra stress on my foot that is only about one half way through its healing process. Yes, friends, you heard me correctly - only half way through. This is day eleven of my relationship with this injury. And, potentially, I could be sitting in my chair for another week and a bit, or ten days, which would include today. Nobody ever said that life was going to be easy and Rome was not built in a day. So, that means that I am up to the task and that I am psychologically pumped up for it. If somebody could actually be pumped up for something like this that is.
I gave K.L. a couple day extension on the marriage proposal. I thought that was the only decent thing to do as maybe she was tossing the whole thing around in her head and maybe she needed a couple more days to analyze the situation properly and to figure out what it really means. I know that this marriage business is never really meant to be taken lightly and God knows that I have done my own brutal assessment of the situation. I have figured out that K.L. is the only woman for me of course, but I also know that I am the anchor of the whole thing as well and that I have to do all of the heavy lifting as it were, as it relates to this matchup that is. But, maybe in time of course, as K.L. comes to grips with the whole thing, she will be as equally committed as me. Well, that is my dream anyway. And, as you know, there is not much sense of over dreaming about these things either as the love gods will be doing their share of heavy lifting as well. So, once they finally get done with what they have to do on their end, then we will all be able to move forward into the future together. . Well, that is about all for now, talk to you all later.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Defeat...or dee feet?....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Wednesday August 12, 2009.
I guess the big item on the agenda this morning would be to remind K.L. that the deadline for my latest marriage proposal is at midnight tonight. That is still lots of time of course so there is really nothing to worry about. I will be by my phone all day of course waiting for the big call to come in. I have three bars left on the phone, so that is lots of power to get me through to midnight. ..And, actually, the reason I will be by my phone all day is because my foot is still in the healing process. This is taking a long time as you can see. I have two kinds of anti-biotics on hand, one of them being penicillin, as well as some anti-biotic paste as well. I even had a tetanus shot. So, I am doing a real fine nursing job too. I hope K.L. appreciates that angle. ... But, if you have bothered to read my last couple of posts or so you will have determined that these kinds of setbacks do not bother me at all. In fact, I do not fret about them because these things are the will of the gods, and as you should know by now we do not mess with the will of the gods. Gods work in very mysterious ways friends and of that there can be no doubt. If they want me to get married then it will happen. Fate is what will determine my future and it can be no other way. So, just like I accept the fate of my foot so also do I accept the will and the fate associated with my life as concerned being married to K.L. Long live the gods and long live fate.
Friends, do not let my title this morning disturb you too greatly. It is only my way of making fun of my situation. I mean, just think about it. Here I am with my busted up feet, curled up comfortably and waiting for the Big Call to come in. ....Just a reminder K.L. that the phone number that gets the job done is right here:
604-785 5981
And, my voice mail is in good working condition also. And, if you want to surprise with me with an e-mail, well that will be perfectly fine as well:



So, as you can see, where there is a will there is a way - to a point. But, I am not a fool of course. I do not count my chickens before they hatch, nor do I fret over the result of something. I am not a defeatist, but a fatalist. And, as I pointed out to you in yesterday's post there is a great difference. Fatalism is not defeatism. I would call fatalism accept ism. Allow me to elaborate for you. You may not be able to determine the future, but the gods have given you the ability to live with the results of whatever fate has landed upon you, whether they be good or bad in your mind. But, then that is the point of the whole thing now isn't it friends? Fate puts you into a position, a position that you have no way of changing at all. Whatever you experience will be pre-determined - it was simply meant to happen. And, the proof of that statement is as clear as day. You can do nothing to change the outcome of anything. Nothing at all. You may think you can, but you cannot. Because whatever action you take with respect to anything at all will only lead you in the direction that you were meant to be in in the first place. You cannot disprove that statement so do not even bother to try. I am here and I am not there where you are. And, even if I was where you are it would have been pre-determined - the gods would have made it happen. They would have found a way to get the job done. And, that is why I love and respect the gods - especially the love gods. I love them for my feet that are not well and I love them for how they treat this business of love as well. For rest assured dear friends that your life and my life are controlled by destiny - and by the gods. They know what is best for you - and your personality.


So, in closing dear friends do not be a defeatist for it will get you nowhere at all. But, do be a fatalist because that will get you everywhere. And, it will get you there happily as well. Maybe just as fast as your little feet will take you there. Ha ha ha ha ha......


I love this video like I said before. Hope you guys like it too. Have a nice day. ...And, you can wish me all of the luck that you want, but it will not matter at all. And, that is because luck does not exist,... but fate does. So, you might want to say: Happy FATE Carl Baydala! I would respond by saying: Happy FATE to you as well.!

. I



Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Understanding how fate works....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Tuesday August 11, 2009
Good morning friends, I was just thinking about the notion of fatalism and what it means. At base, I suppose, it means that all is predetermined no matter what actions we take to try and affect the future. I think that is it actually. Even if you really want some certain thing to happen at some future time, it matters not because fate will decide the issue for you.
Now, I think this notion of fatalism can lead to some negative features in a person's life as well. For example, if somebody really adheres to this idea that nothing he does will change anything, or that outcome x is the only outcome anyway, then why bother even trying to achieve a goal if it is already decided what the outcome will be? Should somebody even bother to strive for something that they are interested in? Like, for example, taking some studies to pursue a trade or doing something to make a girl like you. Are these rational approaches to take given that no matter what we do nothing will change the future?
Is the future that certain a thing that we have no will over it? Actually, I believe it is and that is because fatalism itself has all of the bases covered. Fate knows what you are going to do and accounts for it any given outcome. How do we know whether or not this is true? How can we test fate? Should we even mess with fate if this thing is so powerful?
Of course you can. Fate is not your enemy or something to fear. Fate just is and always will be. Fate is the future condition that will prevail no matter what you do as a human being. Fate is just the result of your actions and of all of the other circumstances that combine to form a future situation or event. Fate is the future. Therefore you must always look upon fate as a positive thing and not a negative one. There is nothing in the rule book of fate that says you cannot go to university and pursue a degree, for example, In fact, fate encourages this idea if it is part of your personality and something that you want to do. There is nothing wrong with moving in the direction of fate and helping it along. Whatever you decide to do fate will live with the results. Your free will is part of the process of fate. So, as you can see fate is a very comprehensive thing. It anticipates and it works with you to get you to the future outcome, whatever it may me.
So, what if I am pursuing a goal and something goes wrong that does not allow me to achieve my goals? Is this my fault or the fault of fate? Well, understanding fate can easily answer your question for you, and here is how: fate knows what your goals and aspirations are that is how powerful a force it is. You need to think of fate as more of an explanation than anything else. It is powerful because there is nothing that you can do as a human being to change future results in any meaningful way. You may or may not achieve short term or long term goals by applying yourself to reach a desired outcome. But, that is not really the point now is it? The point is that no matter what actions you take these actions will necessarily be predetermined. How can we prove that? Do something right now, just do anything. Did you do something or not? Well, whatever you did or did not do was predetermined because it can be no other way. You may think you have free will, but you really do not. It is an illusion to think that you can control all events by your free will. Free will is nothing more than you doing something that was already prescribed. If it wasn't prescribed then it simply would not have happened. That is the power of fate and that is the only way to understand it.
That is why I believe in the gods, the love gods, the courier gods and all the rest of them. These are the things that control my destiny and they are not to be messed with. And, it is also why I believe in fate. I believe in fate because I know that whatever I do has already been decided. I think I can control future events and things, but that is mere illusion or false thinking. Think of it this way: I know that if I drive my car down the road and head out to Chilliwack, for example, then in a certain amount of time I will reach my destination. Was this destined to happened? Well, if I had an accident along the way or my car broke down, then obviously it was not meant to happen. But, what did happen was the thing that was meant to happen. Do you see how fate works now? And, similarly, what if I made it out to Chilliwack and achieved my goals, then what? Did I beat the system and show fate just how powerful I am? Not exactly, because fate was already there waiting for you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A positive attitude will get you through life....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday August 10, 2009
I was just thinking you know. Thinking that for life to be successful one really does have to have a positive attitude. You cannot go around everyday, for example, saying to yourself that this will be the last day of my life or anything like that. Or, that life is not worth living, or that I do not really want to live or anything like that. These are defeatist things are they not? Being a defeatist is not going to get you anywhere as it relates to your attitude or your ambitions. And, it is certainly not going to be held in favour with your friends or your enemies as well. In fact, your enemies will use this feature of your life as ammunition against you. They will think that you are a loser and they will certainly use your negativity against you. That is why it so important to maintain a positive attitude in the face of total despair if that is the kind of condition that you are being confronted with. Now, how does this square with reality you might want to ask? That one really is faced with a desperate situation, for example, and that there really is no other way to describe it as anything other than desperate, or at the very least, a difficult situation. Well, here is my recommendation in this kind of a situation. And, I know that I cannot speak for the ultimate desperate situation either, like for example being faced with a terminal medical condition. I am not qualified to speak to this issue, but maybe I will be one day. And, when and if that day arrives then I will be able to speak with more authority. But, for now let me speak to the situations that I do know about. And, that is what I am attempting to do. You would not respect my decisions anyway if I started to talk about death as if I knew something about it for example - imminent death that is. I am not there friends, so let us be thankful for that. Actually, maybe that is why I do not respect some of these so-called religious leaders, you know, the ones that speak to God and appear to be authorities on death and the like. I hope you can appreciate my sentiments here. What right do these people have to talk about God and death when they know nothing about either one? Do you see what I mean? You need to be honest and you have to be able to prove that you know what you are talking about when you discuss important details and events to people. You need to show your credentials in a meaningful way. You need to be authentic and authoritative all at the same time. And, that is what I am attempting to do for you. I am qualified to speak about the things of which I know and to those which I have experienced. And, I have in fact experienced times when things just seem like all is lost and there is not hope.
But, there is hope and it is found in your attitude and your philosophy. You need to remain positive in spite of all obstacles. You need to do that for yourself and to put your enemies at bay as well. You need to be a real thinking human being, thinking of yourself and your survival. Sure, you can think about your loved ones and what they mean to you and all of that. That is a positive thing to do. These people mean something to you and it is good to think about them. They are making your life meaningful so why shouldn't you be thinking about them? It is a logical and helpful thing to do. So, why am I doing all of this kind of thinking anyway? Well, maybe because it is moody Monday time again and my foot is sick and I cannot work. Is this the end of the world for Carl Baydala? I do not think so dear friends. I am still alive and I am not near death as far as I know. I still maintain my attachment to the girl of my dreams and who knows what the future holds for me in this regard. I just know that it is going to be positive whatever it is. It cannot be any other. Anything is possible you know. You just need to be positive about the whole thing that is all and look for the good parts in all things and all people. I am sure that you have heard of the idea that it is a good thing to have dreams, things that you can attain in the future. Maybe the religionists have incorporated this idea into their philosophy and propaganda as well. They know how the human animal works and how he survives and how he dreams. They know that the human being is a positive creature at heart and that man is basically good. Except the Christian tells you that man is basically bad and needs God's help. Now, just think about what I said right there dear friends. And, when you do you will know why I am not a Christian. Because I could not be. I think too much of myself to be a Christian I suppose. Now, I am not crticizing the positive features of the religion and there are many. But, I am talking about a serious fault of the religion and its philosophy. It is a flawed religion in the sense that on one hand it is telling you how wonderful God is and that there is an afterlife and all of the rest. But, in the same breath it is telling you that man is born evil and needs to be saved. Friends I do not believe that for an instant. And, if there is a God He would not believe or accept it either. And, that it is why it is possible to go through life being a happy person without having any formal religious affiliations. And, that is because all that is required to sail through life successfully is a bit of common sense and a whole bunch of a positive attitude. Talk to you all later.