Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Alaskan Conspiracy

Good Morning Friends,
today is Tuesday March 9, 2010
It's pretty tough friends when they keep reminding you. Reminding of you of the past, that is. So, now Sarah Palin is back in the news and making her presence felt. Why should I care anyway? She is just another Alaskan right? Well, not exactly. She is a beautiful woman and every time I see her I think of my friend up in Alaska. And, that is just the way things are. They are both beautiful and talented women. So, why shouldn't I be interested in these kind of people?
So now, here is Sarah speaking in Calgary to her Canadian fans. See this link here for a review of this speech in the National Post newspaper: here And, the American media is all in an uproar because as a child she took advantage of Canada's " socialized " medicine. Naturally the right wingers and promoters of privatization jumped on that. But, that is not even my main point friends. Sarah Palin is an Alaskan and a high profile one at that. And, well, she just reminds of my dream girl like I keep on telling you. Why, it is almost like a conspiracy or something the way these things take place.
Do you remember when Sarah Palin hit the scene back during the last presidential election? This was a real conspiratorial period let me assure you. And, I even wrote about this kind of stuff on the main part of my blog. Check this link here: Today I thought of Alaska and so did John McCain. and here: ....about the Palin girl I have to tell that this was a really exciting part of my life. Everything was taking me back to Alaska and focusing on my dream girl once again. They are both such pretty and attractive women and they have a lot going for them. So, why wouldn't I be interested in what Sarah is doing when you start to consider these kinds of things?
And, now Palin is back in the news and back in my life. So, what happens yesterday to cement the whole thing? Well, I am out and about in the car even though I said I was not going to be out and about in the car. And, where do I wind up? Sitting in the Guildford McDonalds listening to music in the very unsettled weather. First, it was nice and sunny and the next moment it is hailing out. That's right. Hailing out, little snow balls crashing down on my sports car and me thinking that each little ball is putting a dent on my hood. That is what I was thinking about. Do you remember that video that I made about Engelbert Humperdinck while sitting at McDonald's? At this VERY same restaurant? Well, here is my video if you are interested:

That's right. This is the exact spot where I filmed this " Release Me " video. And, now here I am again in the very same place. I am not thinking about Sarah Palin necessarily, but I am certainly thinking about my dream girl. And, not only that if you take a peek at that link Today I thought of Alaska and so did John McCain. above you will notice that I was playing " Release Me " in my vehicle on the day that I was driving up to Chilliwack in the pouring rain. That's right, I was thinking about Alaska and I was thinking about you know who. Creepy or what?
But, there is more. Now, these conspiracy things are interesting business and the manufacturers of them do not give up so easily. They want you as their victim so to speak. That's right. They want all of you and that includes your mind. So, what happens later on in the day to cement the whole thing? Well, I am shopping and I end up buying yet another video to play on my computer. It was really quite a bargain let me tell you - a two for one for only $8.99. That's right two great videos on one disc. The first one was really quite good. It was called " Devils Advocate ". And, the other one - which I have not played yet - is called: " Insomnia ". The second one is the important one. Why? Because in that video there is a reference to Alaska. One of the main players is going to go up to Alaska on some kind of murder case or something like that. So, I will watch that movie today and that will be my big thrill of course. Getting to think about Alaska and my friend all over again. Isn't life weird? Weird, I mean, when the conspiratorial things just keep coming and coming. And, seemingly without end? I am doomed friends. But, it is kind of neat actually when you think about it. Talk to you all later and have a nice day. And, I hope you all have a nice little conspiracy to keep you going as well.