Friday, March 12, 2010

What would June do?


The 1967 Year Book


Good Morning Friends,


today is Friday March 12, 2010


Well, I guess one of the few things that you can say about today is that it is not Friday the 13th. So, I suppose that is the good news. June, shown above, is another of my classmates from the year 1967. And, since her name ends in " A " I thought I would pick on her first. She is in fact, the first girl in the Year Book starting under the letter " A ".

.I think it is kind of appropriate that this Israeli Palestinian business continues on to this very day. You may recall in my last post that I made mention of this Six Day War that occurred about the same time as my graduation in 1967. So, there is a connection as you can see. We were being introduced to the world of politics and war. Don't forget, Vietnam was happening too. And, as I stated earlier I don't think many of us thought about this kind of stuff and it certainly wouldn't mean anything at all to the vast majority of us. I am referring to the Israeli thing. If one came from a Jewish family I suspect there might have been more interest forthcoming, but that is just a guess as you may appreciate. All Jews are not Zionists and not all Jews are religious either. But, they are still called Jews nonetheless. Jewish issues were not a big deal for a high school student where I came from.

.I must say that I wrote a rather timely piece on the main part of my blog concerning this Middle East nonsense. Notice that I use the term " nonsense ". It is nonsensical simply we do not live with these kinds of conditions here in Canada. They are almost unthinkable actually. I guess the closest thing would be the race wars in the States that flare up from time to time or perhaps some confrontations between our Canadian natives over land or some other issue. But, certainly not ongoing violence and death and reports of discrimination gone astray like in the Occupied Territories in the West Bank and Gaza. Certainly no reports of genocide that is for sure. Ongoing violence like the recent clash in Jerusalem over religion and land would not be a normal happening here. See article in the National Post paper, for example: here Once again the Israelis are building new settlements on Palestine land and violence erupts. How else would you expect the Palestinians to react? And, this is what I mean by my timely article on this region of the world. Israel just does not come across as a country that is interested in peace at all. See my article here: Understanding the Israeli Problem This problem goes on year after year after year. The Palestinians are losing their land inch by inch and nobody seems to want to help them at all. The United States supports Israel so how do you think the Palestinians feel about that? Why even yesterday there was that article on Rachel Corrie. You may have read about that as well. This was the young American peace activist who was standing shoulder to should with the Palestinians. And, what happened? She got run over and killed by an Israeli bulldozer that was clearing land for a settlement. Her family is now is Israel trying to get the Israeli Government to admit fault in the incident. They want to be compensated and they want to show the world just what kind of a regime Israel really is. And, while we are on the topic of Israel and its behavior you might be interested in this article as well. It talks about Zionism and the Israeli State and just what kind of place Israel really is. It kind of matches my sentiments actually and fits very well with my interpretation of things. Here is a link to the article " Zionism Laid Bare ". here

.So, what would June do about all of this violence and conflict over there in the Middle East? I have no idea of course and I don't even know if she is interested in these kinds of things. But, like the rest of us I am sure she has matured and gained more knowledge about such matters. Perhaps I will run into June one day and then we can discuss these, and other, important matters. If that happens then I can certainly report to you about the nature of that discussion.

.Well, that is enough of this gruesome talk I suppose. To change the topic just a bit don't forget that tomorrow is a racing day once again. So, don't be afraid to show up and see what the fuss is all about. This message for my friends and acquaintances only of course. Post time is 1600 hrs if you are interested.
