Saturday, March 20, 2010

A happy and a serious Saturday....



Good Morning Friends,


today is Saturday March 20, 2010


Well, good morning indeed friends. My hectic week is over and I am in relaxation mode once again. The weather was mostly good at work and the money was not all that bad either. But, there is the one big thing that makes it all happen for us, and that is racing at the Big M. That's right, harness racing at the Meadowlands Racetrack in New Jersey. Life does not get any better than that now does it? Well, in the mind of this writer the answer is no. So, if you are planning on going to the track, post time for racing in New Jersey is 1600 hrs here on the West Coast. Let us hope that all of the weather madness back East has been cleared up and that it is back to racing and a fast track to boot. Back to business as normal if you know what I mean.


Ran into a pretty serious article yesterday about Israel and 9/11. It is an interview with a fellow, a Phd no less, who thinks that the Mossad and Israel orchestrated the attack. Following is a link to the article and the audio file. This is all very interesting stuff of course. I am pretty sure that this is not something that you are going to see plastered all over the mainstream media. I mean, if they steer clear of this topic on a daily basis anyway, then what makes you think that they are going to bring something like this to light? However, the author of this information does not appear to be any kind of a nutbar, but rather, someone who knows what he is talking about. The material is in the camp of the conspiracy guys of course, but now we are getting into a whole new level of seriousness. Our author is a military guy and also a professional scholar. So, it looks like things might be heating up here a bit folks. So, hold on to your seats if this material takes hold and manages to find itself on the mainstream media somewhere. But, like I said, don't hold your breath over that one. Here is the link to the audio file and some related commentary: Here It is up to each individual person of course to determine for themselves what they want to do with this kind of information.

. Anyhow, so much for the heavy political stuff. Back to business. And, business for us of course is enjoying our days off as best as we know how, and that is in spite of what is happening in the background, within view or otherwise if you know what I mean. Friends, we only live once, so the trick to the whole thing is to make the best of any situation that we find ourselves in. Think about it. You and I are living today and at no other time. We experience what we experience. There can be no other scenario at all. This is it. Just deal with whatever you are dealing with and make the best of it. Oh, I know you cannot really counsel someone and change the " real " them, but at least you can offer some ideas and some hope. I know that in the past I have actually changed my behaviour over certain matters and taken on new perspectives as well. I will not provide you with examples except to say that change to a certain extent is possible. And, I think the key to that change in behavior is information or knowledge. So, that is basically the only real evidence that I can provide for you at this time. You will have to experience any real change based on your own individual circumstances and in relation to your personality. I believe people can change, at least their attitudes towards certain things that is. I know that people can be very hardened in their views and beliefs as well. I am thinking of political and religious views here friends. This is the tough territory. But, I have seen change occur in my own life as I have already told you. So, change can occur. But, can you change the basic personality or defining characteristic of a person? I am not so sure about that. But, I will repeat if for you. I believe you can change certain attitudes or beliefs of a person, or the part of a person where these views are maintained. Information like I said can do that. Maybe that is the simple route to combating ignorance. Information is simply knowledge and maybe that is our route to change. If a person is not living a life of denial for the sake of living in denial or the wanting to live in perpetual ignorance then I suspect that a healthy person can change his outlook on things. We have to believe in the quality of our information and our capabilities to accept that knowledge and what it represents. And, we have to be honest with ourselves as well. A healthy person, I repeat, should be able to change his attitude regarding this or that thing based on the data presented and by their acceptance of course on their acceptance of the person or thing presenting that data in the first place.