Monday, March 22, 2010

What would Karen do?



The 1967 Year Book


Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday March 22, 2010
Wasn't much of a day yesterday friends. Kind of unsettled weather, but not horrible or anything like that. I think the Paralympics wound down as well. So, I guess that means our City is back to normal after almost a month of Olympics activity. And, that suits me just fine as you can imagine. I mean, driving around in this City can be quite hair raising at the best of times. But, now she is back to normal and it is time to relax once again. I did get out and did a bit of shopping, so I did not completely goof off.
I wonder what Karen above thinks of the current political situation. Like me, she probably did not pay much attention to this Israeli stuff that was occurring at about the same time as we were getting our pics taken back in 1967. I am talking about the Six Day War of course. Funny isn't it how all this stuff is coming back to haunt us as we speak. Don't know if you guys managed to see that video or listen to the audio file about Israel and its involvement with 9/11. Now, this is quite shocking information, but not totally unexpected if you are following these kinds of things like I have been doing lately. Just google or go to You and pop in the words " U.S. military knows Israel did 9/11 " and see what you come up with. This is quite a damning indictment of Israel I can assure you. And, the guy who is doing the talking is some former director of some military school and a Phd holder as well. So, the man comes with some credentials and quite a bit of credibility. He is saying that the U.S. generals are now aware of Israeli and Mossad involvement in the attack on New York.
Now who would have thought of such a thing eh? How about you Karen, do you think they did it? Well, if you are " still " a follower of the mainstream media and CNN and Fox News, why you might as well have still been sleeping anyway because I don't think they will give this kind of story the time of day. Or, if they do you can be sure that the man doing the revealing will be painted as just another nutbar and conspiracy freak. It is just all so unreal and surreal actually when you think about it. It is like we are living in some kind never never world or dream state or something. The world goes on around us and we are just supposed to believe whatever the mainstream media wants us to believe. That is how our current society is setup to be run.
Now strange isn't it that the wars continue unabated in Afghanistan and the other theatres. Israel still keeps on pursuing its agenda of Occupation and threatening its neighbours like Iran. But, can you notice a subtle difference in the air Karen? The Federal Reserve is making conciliatory statements about how the big financial companies should never be bailed out and should not have been. Interesting eh? This is interesting rhetoric especially when you consider that the Federal Reserve is basically working for the banks, I mean. And, did you notice also that Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to negotiate a comprehensive peace deal as well? I guess the Jerusalem business is just a little side show anyway. Right? I am sure that we can expect other little tidbits to develop in the days ahead as well. I mean, if this story is for real then one might really expect some change on the landscape. I mean, if you were guilty and had the power to change public opinion in some sort of subtle and undetectable way then wouldn't you pursue those kinds of routes if they were at your disposable I mean? So, what do you think Karen? Are they guilty or what, or do you even care?
Another more negative angle to the whole sequence of events though is that Israel might get more aggressive with its Iran policy. This is quite possible I think if Israel thinks that everyone is ganging up on it. I mean, if the U.S. is now going to start to distance itself from Israel, because of the recent Jerusalem incident or because of the possible involvement of Israel in 9/11 then maybe Israel will start to act more violently and unpredictably. Now, that would really be cause for concern, I think. So, I don't know what you would do about this whole mess Karen, but I am sure there is plenty cause for concern here. And, don't forget, I have not even mentioned the fragile U.S. economy. That is just one more aspect to the whole thing of course.