Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010


A couple of snaps for you from on the job yesterday. These are on Sea Island right by the Iona Island Sewage Treatment Plant, which is down the road away towards the north. The North Shore mountains are in the background in the bottom and that is the Gulf of Georgia in the top picture. The Vancouver International Airport is right behind me.
Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday January 1, 2010
( and weather report )

Geez, that was kind of hard for me to get that out you know. I am not used to the idea of writing 2010 and that will get some getting used to. So, I hope all of my friends and acquaintances made it over the line with me. 2009 was kind of a difficult year all around, I suppose. I mean, the market crashed early on and there was just a general tension pervading society. Obama is turning out to be a dud and is just pursuing the same agenda as the Republicans, only with a prettier face and a more refined mind. He is not dealing harshly enough with the bankers or Israel and the illegal wars continue in the Middle East. Yes, preventative wars are illegal in case you did not know. Obama knows which side his bread is buttered on and that is the main problem of course. Here in Canada we have to put up with Harper and his minority government. The one that acts like a majority and has a lot of the population fooled. But, I am not fooled friends and I hope all of my friends and acquaintances appreciate the help that I am able to provide in these political matters. Harper is really bad news and will be even worse news should should he ever attain majority government. Try telling that the Harperites. They will not believe you, but I know that some of you undoubtedly feel the same way as me. Talk to me if you do.

The stock market is an interesting animal indeed. I got virtually all of my money back from the steep losses of 2008. Plus, I ended up with a gain of over 13 % for the year. My Stock Portfolio: December 2009 So, that made me feel pretty good of course. There are conflicting ideas as to how the markets will perform in 2010, as there always is of course. Remember, that greed and fear rule the markets as they always do. And, you cannot time the market. These are the general rules of the marketplace and we would all do well to remember these things going forward.
I am not going to do any predictions this year like I did last year on the main part of my blog. Actually, my Bold Predictions found in the following post Happy New Year 2009 didn't turn out too badly at all, but I think I will take a break from prognosticating this time around.
I am still just working part time on my job and I am surviving well enough with the kind of dough that I am making. This is the year of the Olympics of course and I do not think it will be very kind to us couriers. More of a headache than anything else I think especially when you consider that they will be closing down roads in the downtown core and just basically making life difficult for us couriers.
Today and tomorrow are racing days at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. Meadowlands Racetrack - Home So, maybe if you guys are popping into town you can check things out. If you need a ride you know how to contact me. This message for my friends and acquaintances of course. Karen did not take advantage of my latest marriage proposal which ended last night at midnight.Marriage Proposal Number 3 (A) But, that is OK, because I will be giving her other opportunities to get married to me. And, besides, who would I rather be married to anyway? That is kind of the bottom line for me so I hope everyone understands that. Talk to you all later and have a nice day.