Thursday, January 28, 2010

A touching moment from 1984...



Good Morning Friends,


today is Thursday January 28, 2010


I saw the speech last night and I hope all of you guys did too. ( CNN live videostream ) It wasn't bad I guess, all things considered, I mean. I suppose the main idea that he left us with is that he is still trying and that he hasn't forgotten about his objectives. You are just left with the feeling though that he is a man operating in the wilderness; he is fighting the system on behalf of the little guy, or is he?


Don't know if I told you guys that I went shopping at Value Village the other day and bought three videos to play on the computer. Not a bad deal and a couple of them are pretty good. Watched my second one last night and it was called " Silence of the Heart ", 1984 vintage. Charlie Sheen as a young boy was in the movie. It was actually quite a tear jerker and the topic was suicide. I could certainly relate to the movie of course as it was made in 1984 and this formed part of a difficult period for me. Charlie Sheen's friend was a very troubled lad. He was in love with a girl who did not love him ( get the connection? ) and he was not being overly successful at school. He thought he was letting his parents down. The message of the film is that there is a lack of communication or love between the boy and his family. The love that is supposed to pervade and keep a family healthy was not there. So, he internalized everything and took his own life. And, then after the death there is much guilt throughout, guilt from family members and from the boy's best friend as well ( Charlie Sheen ). Nobody was reacting to the clues because everybody was too busy with their own lives. I don't know how this movie went over at the time since I am not a movie person. Actually, I am not much of anything when it comes to mainstream things. Be it movies or just watching television. I live in my own little world now. Actually, it is not really so little since it is the internet and that is really quite a big world in itself. My point is that I do not do a lot of things that so-called regular people do and watching movies is one of them. So, this was quite a treat for me as you can imagine. Watching a movie on my computer that is. I guess I felt like I was part of the broad culture there for a moment or two if you know what I mean.


Still pretty crappy at work and that is in spite of the fact that it is the end of the month. Oh well, maybe the last two days will make it all happen. One can only hope of course. Still pleasant weather though so that is quite a bonus. I am praying for the Olympic guys of course even though I have no control over such things as the amount of snow that we are going to get. Just a couple more things..Saturday is another racing day so mark that on your calendar if you are popping into town. And, finally, guess what? My birthday is coming up again next weekend. Not this weekend, but the next one. Now, that would certainly be one great big present if you know who would pop into town and make an appearance. I couldn't think of a better present than that. Can you?
