Monday, January 4, 2010

Is it gold where you are today?


Good Morning Friends,


today is Monday January 4, 2010


Maybe I should have said " Gold " Morning rather than " Good " Morning. I wonder what is going on? I notice that the markets jumped out of the starting gate this morning and the price of gold is right up there with them. Up 24 bucks the last time I looked. Amazing isn't it, how these stock markets work, I mean. Just think about the whole thing and then realize what a total impossibility the whole stock network is. You cannot time the market and you cannot really determine its directions or figure anything out about it actually. You just have to sit back and watch and that is all that you can do. For me, I am rather bewildered by this impressive showing on the first market day of the year. Are we being manipulated? Is it real based on hints of growth and recovery? Maybe inflation will finally hit the radar screen owing to the trillions of dollars injected into the market by governments and central banks.


The beginning days of any stock market are usually indicators of how markets will perform for the whole year. Interesting start because so many people are predicting nothing but gloom for the market. I mean, the U.S. economy in particular is in a very bad state indeed. And, Europe is not far behind. Are the Asian economies that good that they can pull the rest of us out of recession? Well, it doesn't really matter now does it when the whole world market seems to be going up at once. Am I buying this ascendancy with conviction? Not really, but I am invested throughout the globe and I do have my 5 % or so gold component in my portfolio. So, that means that I am qualified to go along for the ride. I do not know what kind of a ride this is going to be or if it is real or not. But, that is my role as observer and that is all that I am. So, let us just watch the show and then we can figure it out later. Or, rather the pros can figure it out later for us, that is.