Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some thoughts on authority for you....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday October 25, 2009
Above is a picture of the Alex Fraser Bridge last summer. I have quite a few of these snaps and most were taken with my camera and not my Blackberry pager. The camera is obviously better quality, but now I am employing my pager since it is so handy.
Got out and about yesterday and did a bit of shopping. Not much, just some necessary supplies, if you know what I mean. It was sunny when I ventured out so I took my car for a long over due spin. Funny thing. The battery was dead on the car. I suspect that I left the trunk light on, so after I got the battery boosted I took it out for a spin on the freeway. Seems to be OK now, but I certainly do not remember leaving that light on, but then of course, I could have. Maybe I am just getting older and more forgetful. Who really knows for sure.
Got part two of my marriage story done yesterday and posted it as well. You can view part two right here if you are interested: The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 2 . I should get going on my next scene as soon as possible as this project is turning out to be quite challenging indeed. I don't mean mentally challenging, but rather time wise. But, then if I am talking about love and marriage then I suppose it is worth it. I hope you guys can understand what I am talking about here. I certainly don't want to give the whole plot away, but the next scene in the play will be a discussion between Ida and Jehovah. From there I intend to move on to the next scene which should be Ida's presentation to all assembled. You can appreciate also that I am mentally composing this thing as I go along. This is actually a really fun thing for me to do you know because it helps me out with my philosophy research as well. Plus, I get to compose a story of sorts that is mostly fantasy, but also has some real life elements to it as well. The play is not entirely about my life, but only certain aspects of it. I think you need to have some real life experiences though so that you can have something to relate to. But, then how many of us have interaction with the gods eh? Well, that is certainly the fantasy part of course and the fun part as well. I think we all like thinking about gods and that kind of thing. And, if the Greeks could write about their gods than why cannot I as well? Remember, a good deal of the population actually believes in a God. So, the human animal is a very imaginative creature to begin with. Jehovah, for example, is a fictitious thing. Nobody has ever seen or talked to this God, as much as they would like you to believe it. They might believe it, but does that make it true? If I can believe in my gods though they are allowed to believe in theirs. And, there is no sense in debating this issue because nobody is going to get anymore. People become entrenched in their views and beliefs.
If you read my work you will immediately come to see that I am against authority. I do not like some forms of authority at all. ( there are some that I have respected in the past so do not completely misinterpret me here ). And, the God Jehovah is an authority figure for me so that makes Him an object of my scorn and sometimes, ridicule. Now, like I said He might be other peoples' authority figure, but He is most definitely not mine. In this play that I am creating as we speak I think you will easily be able to determine my thoughts about these religious figures that control peoples' lives. They might control other peoples' lives, but certainly not mine. I just thought I would give you a bit of background here so that you can understand my play a little better and why I treat the God Jehovah as I do. Remember, I consider Him to be a mythical creation, but also a dangerous creation as well. This person of the Bible does not come across as a very nice figure at all and there is lots to dislike about Him. For me, as I have stated above, it is His mere authority presence that irritates me. I am allowed to be anti-authoritarian if I want. I know also that these kinds of things are sacred for some people. People believe in the idea of God and they are upset when you discuss their authority figures in a negative light. Well, that is the risk that we must take if we are going to be honest with ourselves. We do not all believe in God and we are not required to do so. Remember this also: if there really was a God named Jehovah you can bet your bottom dollar that Carl Baydala would be right there trying to figure out everything there was to know about the Man Himself. He would be foolish not too.