Monday, October 19, 2009

Feeling lousy?..get your own nurse....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday October 19, 2009
Well, it is Monday friends and it feels like a Monday. Like I told everyone yesterday, I am not a hundred percent. I really have come down with something and I just feel the pits. So, I quickly did some scanning and found my own personal nurse to kind of cheer me up a bit. And, the picture above will act as my own private nurse until I recover from this madness.
I really dislike being sick you know. You just feel like you are not part of the world at all and it is really frustrating. Remember when I had my foot injury back in August? Well, it is the same kind of deal more or less. I am out of action and I am not mobile. Sure, I can drive if I want to go out for something, but how do you think I feel right now? Just plain awful that is all. I wonder what I have. It doesn't feel all that serious actually, just an annoyance more than anything else. I couldn't get out and about during the weekend and I accomplished absolutely nothing. No shopping, no yard work, so socializing. Just plain old nothing.
I spend a lot of time on this computer you know so I guess that is my ace in the hole to some degree. My sickness means that I can spend more time studying that is all. I have been doing quite a bit of research on my main area of interest right now, and that is philosophy. What I do is I just start reading about this or that philosopher and wherever that takes me, well that is where I go. Sometimes I watch videos and sometimes I listen to LibriVox to get my information. I think this is a very good hobby actually and I am always learning something about somebody of importance from the past. So, I suppose there always is that silver lining to these dark times that we all have to endure from time to time. Remember, I am not dead and I do not have any serious disease, so what am I complaining about? Isn't that the bottom line?
Started my little play, The Marriage of Carl Baydala on the main part of my blog yesterday. It is something that I had to get going on because it is the final part of my Bold Predictions for 2009. (Happy New Year 2009 ) Everything else is mostly accomplished in this regard and I would consider my predictions to be relatively successful so far. I told everybody that I was going to get married and I knew that I had to produce, so this play is the result of my promise to my readers. I am watching the stock market and the events in Iran as well as these places form part of predictions.
Not much else to report at this time friends. I don't even know what the weather is like since I have not been outside. It is just a real bummer being under the weather like this. But, I guess you guys know that anyway.