Friday, September 25, 2009

The man said God was watching over me....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday September 25, 2009
Well, we finally made it to the last day on the job. Just one more day and then it is time for relaxation period again. Hope the great weather holds up for a couple more days at least. Just a further reminder to my friends that if you are popping into town you know where to reach me if you want to do something. Like I said, my favourite harness track is not on right now so that would give us a chance to cruise around or something like that. There is always something to do if you want to really do something, that is.
Still pretty slow at work, but that is OK, sort of, I guess. I know that conditions have slowed down for everyone in the business so that is not such a big deal once you think about it in those terms of course. I remember though, that September has traditionally been slow anyway. The bonus of the whole thing though is the great weather. You get to relax with your friends or just take more breaks at McDonald's or something like that. I just think of it as another holiday that is all. I think I have found my own way of enjoying and appreciating life anyway. And, I know it is not just me because when I talk to my customers and even other people I am finding that many people do in fact feel like I do. They are happy to be alive and they appreciate what they have. So, I really am not alone in this respect.
Another thing that I am finding is that there are still people who believe in God. They are out there and they have not disappeared. For example, after work last night I did a bit of shopping. I remember standing in line and there were a couple of people already there before I got there. Seems like there are lineups everywhere for one thing or another. Especially in driving as you might expect. Anyhow, I noticed a gentleman in the lineup and I decided to throw out a comment and see what he would do with it. I started to detail for him the numerous times in the past that I had to wait at McDonald's in the lineups inside the stores. I told him that when I was younger that I was always the guy in the lineup who was not noticed. It happened all the time I told him and I used to get upset about the whole thing. The man's response was: " God was looking out for you ". Well, naturally, being the rather combative person that I was I asked him how that could be so. I mean, if God was watching out for me then why did he let people discriminate against me all of the time and make me wait when others were constantly being served before me? How come I was always the guy who was left out all of the time? He was smiling a great big smile, but he did not really have an answer for my question. I noted the pleasurable way in which he talked about God. This man was a believer there was no doubt about it. I knew that anything I said in criticizing God would go in one ear and out the other. There would be no sense in having a legitimate discussion with this person. He was a very affable person so don't get me wrong. I decided to agree with him and to let the matter go. He was just too nice a person to have an argument with. It would not accomplish anything anyway. So, we both agreed on how important it was to let things be and we both agreed on the nature of people anyway. Some just could not handle the stress and well, some people are just naturally pushy and some cannot handle the stresses of dealing with other humans. We talked about how rude some people were and that kind of thing as relates to driving habits and the like. We just agreed that it was better to be calm, cool and collect. We really did understand each other on this issue. But, I don't think the man would have had a response as to why God decided to treat me differently than the others. Why would God continually treat other people differently than others if He could do something about it? This is the question that would be left unanswered of course. The man was simply too decent a person to push philosophically. I just could not do it. He was a real human being.
Early on in the day I had a chance to stop by the old restaurant where I used to work back in 1983. The building is still standing and is in pretty decent shape with some remodelling features. Here is a picture of the back door entrance. I will undoubtedly use this photo on my post coming up for October 7. That will be my 26th anniversary of the Big Event in my life. I took the snap with my Blackberry pager;

