Friday, September 18, 2009

A good effort is always a good thing....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday September 18, 2009
Not a bad day at work yesterday in spite of the tough conditions overall. It wasn't a huge day or anything like that, just a good day and the money came in fairly easily that is all. So, at least that is something good to report to you. Just a reminder to all of my friends that my four days off is coming up again so don't be afraid to contact me if you should be popping into town and want to do something. This message is for people like Karen up in Alaska of course. You know what I mean, all of the important people in m life. So, don't be shy. You know where I live and what my phone number is.
Anyhow, I was just thinking how important hard work is. I mean, when you apply yourself to something, that usually ends up being positive for you. And, this can work in social situations as well as in the work area. Just good old plain hard work is a very important thing I feel. You need to be dedicated to the task that you are involved in. Or, maybe no pain no gain or something like that. I don't really know the ins and outs of these things, but I do know that the principle is a sound one. It just works that is all. Maybe people just naturally respect someone who applies himself or herself. Who knows. But, I was just thinking maybe it has something to do with your character. People look up to and trust someone who is dedicated and works hard. Or, maybe there is a bit of self-interest going on too. Like, you know how selfish people are to begin with. Well, maybe people are seizing upon the idea that it is good to surround themselves with someone who will produce. And, that maybe by surrounding yourself with a producer that will produce some kind of a payoff for you. Actually, that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. That is just one angle of course. But, I was thinking of another aspect of the thing as well. Like, say you are interested in a person and you apply yourself to the task of letting them know that. I think under most circumstances the person in receipt of the attention actually likes the idea. So, I would recommend that you let someone know that you like them because most likely they will notice and appreciate the work that you are putting into the project so to speak. Therefore, I think working hard can pay off this area as well. I don't think you want to necessarily overdo things though as this must cause some alarm in the one receiving attention. But, just good old hard work and a sense of dedication to the task cannot be all that bad of a thing I do not think. And, even if you do not connect with the person that you want to connect with there will always be others who notice just how much of a hard worker you are. So, the payoff might come later and in ways unexpected to you. So, keep up the good and the hard work because there is always someone out there who is paying attention. You will eventually be rewarded in some way and some time. So that means that your work will never be in vain. And, lest we forget that you will always be satisfied with your performance even if no one else is. You will feel better and that cannot be a bad thing. And, if you feel better someone will be bound to notice. And, word of mouth is a pretty serious thing as well.
Just a quick note about the stock market. There has been sort of a stealth ( my wording ) rally going on for some time now. The market is slowly but surely making gains. I do not actually trust this market and I would be hesitant to apply any serious cash at this time, but I am making progress. In fact, I have almost recovered all of my losses from the 2008 debacle. I am not there yet, but I am close to breaking even.
I hope the weather is decent enough for driving on the weekend as well. Who knows anyway eh? No more racing for a while like I said, but that does not mean that I will not be enjoying myself in one way or another, in between me working hard that is. Well, that is all for now. Talk to you all later.