Wednesday, September 23, 2009

From spilled coffee to the importance of ignorance....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Wednesday September 23, 2009
Well, it is back to work for three days now. Yesterday was another beautiful sunny day. I cut the grass fairly early on so as to beat the warmness of the day. I still broke out into a mild sweat though. That was kind of refreshing of course. I took a drive in the afternoon as well, out to the Langley area and stopped in at one of my favourite McDonald's. That is the one in Port Kells. I showed you a picture of it already. I told you how friendly the staff was there - never had a bad interaction there. I bought a coffee and was trying it out at the drive thru window and some hot coffee spilled on my hand and onto to my jeans. It was hot and painful. It is those stupid lids that they are using on the new cups. Poor performers actually. Anyway, the cashier was ready to assist right away and offered if she could give me something extra to kind of fix things up. She stated that those new cups ' have issues '. I said no because it really was my fault and I should have known better because it has happened before. I just wanted to test the coffee and make sure that it was hot enough and that there was no sugar in it. I guess that is the price you pay for being so picky. Is there a lesson here? Well, I have caught them before putting sugar in my coffee or otherwise not being up to my standards. So, I suppose that I am most likely going to get burned in the future as well. The price to pay for perfection? After leaving McDonald's I found a great spot to take some pictures for you on my camera, except I forgot to take it along.
Some thoughts on ignorance. Is ignorance bliss? Well, actually I think it is to be perfectly honest about it. There are so many things that we do not know and will never know. Why we even know things and still operate out of ignorance. Like, believing in religion and God would be about the best example I suppose. How many people believe in God anyway? Well, actually millions if not billions. But, different gods of course. Why I even believe in gods of one kind or another, like the courier gods and the love gods and all the rest of them. Do you think I am ignorant to be that way? Well, I do not think so. I don't think I am ignorant, however, because I have thought things out in this regard. But, some people believe in God because they were told that God exists. They just believe and they don't even question the whole idea. Now, that is ignorance. And, I suppose it is bliss for them. It makes their lives simple and provides meaning for them. So, I guess that ignorance can be a good thing in this regard. And, there would be so many other examples related to politics and that kind of thing. You know, believing a politician and what they say and represent and the like. It is easy to believe and to be ignorant. One of the best things about ignorance though is when you don't know something that will hurt you. Say, about a girl or boy that you like for example. There may be something in their present or their past that would really hurt you emotionally if you found out about it. So, in this sense ignorance would be a very good thing and might even be encouraged, if it was meant to protect one's feelings that is. So, there are just some quick thoughts about ignorance for you. And, what started all of this talk about ignorance you might ask? Well, I was doing some reading about the philosophical novel ' Thus Spake Zarathustra ', by Friedrich Nietzsche. He was a German philosopher. In particular I was reading some background material for the above novel as found in Wikipedia. It turns out that Zoroastrianism, on which the book is based, has a god, a person named Ahura Mazda. Zoroastrianism was in fact, the first monotheistic religion, you know like Judaism. So, that was my bit of ignorance for the day uncovered. I drive a Mazda Miata so naturally this information excited me a bit. Now, I know that these car dealers make up names with a bit of flair and that kind of thing and that many have names generated out of people living in the past or with names that have meanings which nobody ever thinks about. So, it looks like I will have to start looking at my Mazda in a new light now. I am driving a god. Do you think I should add my car to my list of gods that I admire then?