Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Getting tough on Tuesday....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Tuesday September 8, 2009
Well, this is my last day off friends and then it is back to work tomorrow. I got a bit done over at the house yesterday, so I feel pretty good about that actually. I took a load of garbage to the dump if you really want to know. I always feel a sense of personal satisfaction when I go to the dump. It is that immediate sense of accomplishment, kind of like when you cut the grass or something like that. The effect is instant and totally gratifying. I am sure glad I have that pickup truck of mine for these domestic chores that have to be done.
Above is a picture of my new cell phone. It is not actually new since I have owned it for a few months now. But, it sure is a pretty and sleek phone don't you think? Well, I certainly like it. So, if any of my long lost friends were to phone me this is the unit that you will be communicating with.
Just to let you know that I still do not trust the stock market that much. Sure, there are some rumblings by the central bankers that they are going to tighten up and all that, but so what? Those large banks, and particularly the American ones, caused a lot of damage for all of us. They played fast and loose with our economy that is what they did. I notice that it is the Europeans and the BRIC countries who are pushing for some kind of an alternative currency to the U.S. dollar. Don't really know how that stuff works, but the main thing is that the U.S. has so much power with its currency and so many transactions are carried out with the currency that it puts a lot of people at risk, especially those who hold U.S. dollars. So, when the financial system suffers as it has then everybody is affected. But, it is not only the dollar, but the loss of confidence in the world community and the decline inthe price of stocks and assets generally. And, you also have a lack of demand and more unemployment as well. The financial system needs to be controlled and regulated so as to protect all of us. They are talking about the banks needing a firmer capital base and that kind of thing. Well, if you want my opinion on the matter then banks should be regulated to the extent that they cannot play the games that they do which is essentially to gamble their profits away. Is that fair to the entire world community who, as a group, just wants to live in peace and harmony and enjoy a decent standard of living? Of course not. And, we cannot achieve our goals when banks are left to run wild and free and inflict the results of their greed upon us. That is what is occurring right now. We are paying for the mistakes of the greedy. And, they think they can get away with it because they are so big. Well, maybe they shouldn't be so big in the first place if this is going to be the result. But, then again these banks did not work alone. They needed help from the government policy and law and they got it. So, as you can see there is more than one guilty party here. So, just be cautious and try to understand what the stock market is doing and saying.
I took another video last night and posted it onto You Tube. Nobody has watched it yet so you can be the first if you like. I am with a friend having a beer and talking about his garage that just burned down. And, then I end up talking about bee stings and what to do about it. You can watch the video via the links off to the right on all of the pages of my blog. And, this Dear Courier Diary section is only one part of my blog. Well, I have to take my truck in for an oil change today and then it is back to work tomorrow. I think the weather is supposed to be a little bit better today. But, like I told you in a previous post summer is effectively over.