Sunday, September 13, 2009

A gorgeous day to drive around....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday September 13, 2009
It was a strikingly beautiful day yesterday friends and I got out early for a drive. I headed out to Langely and Cloverdale. Not too long ago this would have been just another racetrack day for me. You know the routine, heading out to Cloverdale, driving around for a bit and then settling in at the track. But, not now. The Meadowlands is over for quite a spell now so I have to find other things to occupy my time with. But, I still find time to cruise in the sunshine and listen to tunes of course. It really was a stellar day friends. Now just think if my buddy from Alaska was to pop into town and how much fun we could have together. That would be the ultimate for me of course, it would not get any better let me tell you.
The weather and everything else was so great that I even made a second run in the evening. I cruised through North Delta and then made my way to Richmond ending up at the airport and taking another video for you. If you are interested in these new videos you can link up over on the right side of my blog here. Or, you can view them below as well. In the first one one I am driving along River Road in Delta and approaching the Alex Fraser Bridge. In the second video I am heading west in Richmond on Highway 91 and eventually ending up at the airport. And, the final video is me sitting at McDonald's and looking west towards the airport. The picture at the airport is not that great actually, but the music is not too bad I think.



There was a bit of a scary situation as I was driving home in the dark, however. There is an intersection that I turn left on, it is going east on Nordel Way and turning onto 112 street going north. I usually go this way home and up along 88 avenue and then up 116 street, and etc. But, anyway this is a very dangerous intersection when you are turning left. Yes, you have flashing green lights sometimes, but not always. Sometimes you have to wait and make a dash for it. It is kind of a blind corner and you cannot see the traffic coming from the east. That is because there is a slight curve in the road and you cannot see the approaching cars. And, what made the situation even worse is that a truck was stopped directly facing me and he was turning towards the south. He was stopped at the light and was coming from the east itself. But, the point is that his headlights were either too high or too bright - they were blinding me and I could not see the traffic coming from the east. I did not know if any traffic was coming or not. And, the further I inched out to see what was approaching the more dangerous things could become. This is a potentially very dangerous intersection here in my opinion. I think it would help if this intersection only allowed left turning traffic on a its own light. It is simply too dangerous otherwise because I know how the psychology of drivers works. Somebody is going to be ' pushing ' someone in front of them to turn left one day and they are going to end up making a bad decision and possible hitting a vehicle that they cannot really see approaching the intersection at high speed. And, that is the other thing with this road. The traffic is moving at a high rate of speed so there is an inherent danger here. If I am in the engineering department of Delta Municipality during the course of my employment then I am going to mention this dangerous intersection to one of the staff members.
Well, that is all for now so see you all later. I think I will do some more yard work today and take a break from the cruising.