Monday, September 21, 2009

A Bible Story: Dreaming about my dream girl....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday September 21, 2009
Yes friends, the Lord sure does work in mysterious ways. And, what did He do for me today you might enquire? Well, He gave me a dream about my dream girl. And, what a dream it was. One of the best in fact. Now, this was a dream about God and Christianity and the like, but more specifically about the Bible and my dream girl all wrapped up in one neat package.
Now, as my regular readers know I am not a Christian. In fact, I am not anything as it relates to religion. I am most likely one of religions biggest critics. But, that matters not when you are having a dream of the calibre of this one. It happened very early this morning and I woke abruptly after it occurred. I did not want to forget it of course so I made some quick notations about the event. Anyway, here is the dream in a nutshell.
I was sitting in the front seat of a car in the passenger side. The girl of my dreams was seated in the back. I was looking forward while talking to her. In the next scene we are sitting together in the back seat. She is on my left side. I still could not see her face. She was talking about the Bible that I had just given to her. She seemed truly grateful and happy that I had given this gift to her. I told her that it was just a Bible and that I did not know how religious she was. She said that she was going to bind it up in leather. I told her that it was just a Bible so why go to all of that trouble. I turned to confront her and I touched her face. And, then I gently stroked her face again. It was like we were shaking hands since we had not seen each other for a long period of time and I was very happy to see her of course. She was smiling. I asked her again why she would bother to cover it with leather. " Because you touched it. " she said. " She laughed. I always liked that great laugh of hers. I thought about what she meant by me touching it. And, I took it to mean that she wanted to protect herself from me touching it. I thought that was a great line coming from her. Now, I know this kind of dream would not mean much to anybody who happens to read this, but it is the best dream by far for me all year. I guess it is just one of God's little gifts for me. If He exists that is.
Have to go on a little mini run this morning out to Abbotsford. I am making a couple of deliveries with my car. I do this kind of thing once in a while on a Monday morning. It is the left over stuff from Friday. I get to take my car out for a spin in the sunshine and that is why I like to do it of course. I will take my camcorder along just in case there is something worthwhile to take a video of. So, talk to you all later and here is the weather for today if you are interested: