Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday August 31, 2009
Well, it is the end of the month and I am going to work today. The foot is mostly better, but now I have gone and pierced one of my toes with some sharp wood. I was doing some yard work yesterday and that is how it happened. Fortunately though, it is confined to a small portion of one toe so it should not affect my performance at work.
I guess some of you guys are getting tired of my diatribes and the topics that I focus on. Like, maybe I spend too much time on government and politics and conspiracies and that kind of stuff. Well, I have to go where my mind and interests tell me to go so don't blame me. And, then there is the girl of my dreams which gets a lot of coverage too. To repeat, I simply have to go where my interests are. Like this morning, for example. So, what is on my mind? Well, sex and just the very idea of how predominant this thing is in our lives. However, even before my mind was getting wound up about this topic it was concerned with something else. That something else was hate and the idea of not liking someone anymore. For me that would be girls and for some of you it might be a male. Now, a former acquaintance of mine who is a male said to me that " you end up hating them ". He was talking about girls that you do not like anymore, you know, past girls in your life. Frankly, I do not agree with this assessment. Because I was just thinking of all of the girls in my life who I have liked or had a crush on, etc., and I don't think I hate any of them. I just don't think about them much. So, maybe that is the key to the whole thing about girls and past relationships and their effect on your psyche. Your mind just loses interest in them. So, it has nothing really to do with hate, it is just simple lack of interest. You simply stopped liking them intensely or whatever and they then they became non-issues that is all. Therefore, hate has not much to do with it at all. I think I would redefine hate here and simply say that you lost interest in your former love or lust objects for whatever reason. They fell out of favour that is all. Maybe they did not live up to your expectations and they just weren't cracked up to what they were supposed to be. They let you down mentally perhaps. You found out something about them that made you look and think differently about them. You don't hate them necessarily because if you did you might still be thinking about them and that would be a bad thing, generally speaking I mean. So, what it boils down to I guess is that you do not hate them they have just become less meaningful in your life. And, now that I think about it some of the happiest times in my life are when I am alone just enjoying nature and all that is has to offer. You are free to be alone and to just enjoy things. There is no other human being to get in the way and clutter this relationship. Hope this helps guys.
Here is part 7 of the BBC 9/11 Conspiracy: