Monday, August 10, 2009

A positive attitude will get you through life....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday August 10, 2009
I was just thinking you know. Thinking that for life to be successful one really does have to have a positive attitude. You cannot go around everyday, for example, saying to yourself that this will be the last day of my life or anything like that. Or, that life is not worth living, or that I do not really want to live or anything like that. These are defeatist things are they not? Being a defeatist is not going to get you anywhere as it relates to your attitude or your ambitions. And, it is certainly not going to be held in favour with your friends or your enemies as well. In fact, your enemies will use this feature of your life as ammunition against you. They will think that you are a loser and they will certainly use your negativity against you. That is why it so important to maintain a positive attitude in the face of total despair if that is the kind of condition that you are being confronted with. Now, how does this square with reality you might want to ask? That one really is faced with a desperate situation, for example, and that there really is no other way to describe it as anything other than desperate, or at the very least, a difficult situation. Well, here is my recommendation in this kind of a situation. And, I know that I cannot speak for the ultimate desperate situation either, like for example being faced with a terminal medical condition. I am not qualified to speak to this issue, but maybe I will be one day. And, when and if that day arrives then I will be able to speak with more authority. But, for now let me speak to the situations that I do know about. And, that is what I am attempting to do. You would not respect my decisions anyway if I started to talk about death as if I knew something about it for example - imminent death that is. I am not there friends, so let us be thankful for that. Actually, maybe that is why I do not respect some of these so-called religious leaders, you know, the ones that speak to God and appear to be authorities on death and the like. I hope you can appreciate my sentiments here. What right do these people have to talk about God and death when they know nothing about either one? Do you see what I mean? You need to be honest and you have to be able to prove that you know what you are talking about when you discuss important details and events to people. You need to show your credentials in a meaningful way. You need to be authentic and authoritative all at the same time. And, that is what I am attempting to do for you. I am qualified to speak about the things of which I know and to those which I have experienced. And, I have in fact experienced times when things just seem like all is lost and there is not hope.
But, there is hope and it is found in your attitude and your philosophy. You need to remain positive in spite of all obstacles. You need to do that for yourself and to put your enemies at bay as well. You need to be a real thinking human being, thinking of yourself and your survival. Sure, you can think about your loved ones and what they mean to you and all of that. That is a positive thing to do. These people mean something to you and it is good to think about them. They are making your life meaningful so why shouldn't you be thinking about them? It is a logical and helpful thing to do. So, why am I doing all of this kind of thinking anyway? Well, maybe because it is moody Monday time again and my foot is sick and I cannot work. Is this the end of the world for Carl Baydala? I do not think so dear friends. I am still alive and I am not near death as far as I know. I still maintain my attachment to the girl of my dreams and who knows what the future holds for me in this regard. I just know that it is going to be positive whatever it is. It cannot be any other. Anything is possible you know. You just need to be positive about the whole thing that is all and look for the good parts in all things and all people. I am sure that you have heard of the idea that it is a good thing to have dreams, things that you can attain in the future. Maybe the religionists have incorporated this idea into their philosophy and propaganda as well. They know how the human animal works and how he survives and how he dreams. They know that the human being is a positive creature at heart and that man is basically good. Except the Christian tells you that man is basically bad and needs God's help. Now, just think about what I said right there dear friends. And, when you do you will know why I am not a Christian. Because I could not be. I think too much of myself to be a Christian I suppose. Now, I am not crticizing the positive features of the religion and there are many. But, I am talking about a serious fault of the religion and its philosophy. It is a flawed religion in the sense that on one hand it is telling you how wonderful God is and that there is an afterlife and all of the rest. But, in the same breath it is telling you that man is born evil and needs to be saved. Friends I do not believe that for an instant. And, if there is a God He would not believe or accept it either. And, that it is why it is possible to go through life being a happy person without having any formal religious affiliations. And, that is because all that is required to sail through life successfully is a bit of common sense and a whole bunch of a positive attitude. Talk to you all later.