Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday August 7, 2009
Decisions, decision, and yet even more decisions. What am I going to do? My foot, which sustained quite a painful injury is still not yet better and is not yet in any kind of condition to participate in real world events. That is to say, that it has not healed enough to allow me to do the things that I want to do. And, one of the things that I want to do is to go to the track tomorrow morning - early. But, now, I am questioning whether or not that will take place. I think I would just be exposing my foot to more risk, risk which I can ill afford at this moment in time. Is racing that important to me that I would sacrifice my foot and my ability to work and to make money? Well, what have you learned about Carl Baydala so far dear friends? What would you do if you were Carl Baydala and that will provide the answer for you.
Watched another full length video on 9/11 last night. This one was just basically one person talking and going through his talking points regarding all of the inconsistencies regarding the Official Conspiracy Theory and the facts on the ground. There are just too many unanswered questions and curious things about the whole incident. This man's ideas in his narrative revolved around the idea of Conspiracy theory and Co-incidence theory. Broadly speaking, what the author was trying to point out that the 9/11 incident is best explained via the Conspiracy theory method for a better understanding. Yet, the Official Conspiracy Theory seems to be mostly relying on co-incidence for its theory to have any kind of form. There are simply too many things that just had to happen to make the conspiracy successful. Yet, the authors of the Official Conspiracy Theory would have you believe that a whole host of co-incidences had to occur for their version to make any sense. The Official version is simply asking too much given the facts in the case. That is the way that I understood the presentation anyhow. You really do need to start watching these full length productions ( and even the smaller ones )because there are always some things that you forgot and some brand new information or viewpoint that is being introduced. I even watched a smaller twenty minute production by Alex Jones, a man who is right out in front on this issue and is a good soldier for the cause.
Just a reminder also to the girl of my dreams that the latest marriage proposal will expire next week, so not much time left at all to make a decision. I trust that the love gods have visited my friend and have helped her along with her decision-making chores.
Well, that is all for today friends. Talk to you all tomorrow.