Sunday, August 30, 2009

A little dream and a big nightmare....

Good Morning Friends
today is Sunday August 30, 2009
Got quite a bit of work done over at the house yesterday. You know, cleaning up and cutting the grass and that kind of thing. I really put in a heavy day so I did indeed feel better after it was all over. I still have to put in another serious day today as well because the work is not yet complete. ...And, just think: I was completely out of action with my injured foot not too long ago - the world was a totally uncertain place....The weather on Saturday was fantastic once again and there was nothing to complain about at all. Here is a link to our local weather if you are interested.
I had a little dream this morning. It was really quite neat. It was about my dream girl and those are my favourite kind of dreams as you can well imagine. Well, anyway, there were some other parts connected to the dream and they all centred on horse racing. The part where she comes into the dream is when she is driving a big convertible with a male passenger. This male passenger had white hair. That is not the important part of the dream. The really important part is that she is in control and she is heading to the track. Now, that was a great dream friends.
The nightmare part of my report this morning concerns 9/11. I have been watching quite a few videos lately related to this crime of the century. And, it was indeed a totally obscene crime friends let me assure you. I just finished watching Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut. I have seen these Loose Change vids in the past, but not this one. The creators of this film are quite bold in their accusations. They are claiming that it was an inside job of course, but they are also really coming down hard on the government and basically accusing them of complicity and of having been part of the whole thing. I would encourage everyone to watch as many of these videos as possible because once you do you will immediately begin to see all of the unanswered questions related to this event. But, the big thing that comes out in all of them is the secrecy of the government and their unwillingness to provide us with basic information related to the events. You really get the impression that they are hiding something. It just makes them look guilty. Seriously guilty of something in my opinion. I am surprised that there are still people out there who criticize people who want to get to the bottom of this thing. And, I am not just talking abou the freaks and shills on Fox News either. I am talking about regular people like you and I. People that continually watch the mainstream media all of the time are simply not exposed to the conspiracy theories which question the government and their knowledge of the event. But, then, that is part of the plan now isn't it? In this Loose Change edition ( found below ) I kind of forgot about the unusual circumstances surrounding flight 93. This is the plane that was supposed to have crashed in a field near Shankesville, Pennsylvania. Well, I did not forget about it, I just maybe forgot about the idea that this plane landed in Ohio rather than crashing. This is a really weird occurrence, so watch the film and find out why.
I am going to try and embed this Loose Change version below, but a lot of times these Google videos do not embed properly, so I will provide you with a link as well and that will work for sure. First the link:
And, now here is a direct link to the video.

And, here is
part 6 to the BBC series on the 9/11 Conspiracy: