Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Christians are on my side....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Wednesday August 19, 2009
Still resting and nursing my wounds friends. It is not over yet I am afraid. This is week number 3. But, there is always a bright side to these things as you may expect. I am getting a lot of video time in that is what I am doing. I am mostly concentrating on this New World Order business and global domination by the elites. The power in the world is being concentrated and controlled. That is the message that I am getting. And, America is now a fascist state, more or less, and the people have little or no power. The corporations and the banking elite have all of the power. I knew quite a few of these things already of course and it is nice to get some reinforcement for my ideas. I was particularly pleased to note that there really is an Anglo-American connection. I am not day dreaming about these things. So, that made me feel really good to know that I am not just some run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist. What I believe is actually true. And, it was further rewarding to find out that there is confirmation for my beliefs coming from the Christians as well. Here is a neat four part video series on Bible prophecy and world government. Many of my beliefs were confirmed by watching this worthwhile documentary shown below. Just to let you know that I would have preferred to imbed these videos, but the google videos do not imbed very well. Also, these are short 20 minute segments and they are easy to follow and understand: