Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why God plays favourites....


Good Morning Friends,
today is November 1, 2009
Hope everybody set their clocks back as this is the day. Thankfully, of course, much of our work is being done for us already, so that takes some of the pressure off. Like, my computer is on top of things, as is my cell phone. And, that is the way things should be anyway; technology working for us and not against us.
My big topic today friends is about God. Now, this is a topic that I dwell on as most of my regular readers are already aware. Did you catch the joke? Regular readers. Well, that is why God chose me to be one of the special people. Some of us have to do it otherwise the job simply would not get done. I know that I am special because I can feel it in my bones. But, there are other clues as to my importance as well. Many people avoid me like the plague so I know right away that I am special. People just know to not get in my way otherwise that will cause them trouble. And, then again, some people are just jealous because I am so perfect and so special. So, these are just some of the reasons why there are less people in my life than others. People simply know that I am not going to act like a regular person because I am not a regular person. God made me different than other people because some people simply have to be better than others for the whole system to work properly.
Another creature that he set apart from the rest is your friendly neighbourhood pest. Like check out the bug at the top of this page. How come there are three of them? Do you know why? Because when you are downloading this critter to your blog it just keeps on coming. If you do not stop the downloading process it will just continue to duplicate itself and it won't stop. So that is the power of the pest and that is why God created these creatures also. He wants you to know how important a pest really is.
The other pest that I want to talk about is the baby fruit fly. These are really pesty little creatures. I just finished opening up an apple pie from a box and was having it with my morning coffee. Now, after I finished eating what I was eating I placed the pie inside the box and lay it down beside me making sure that it was closed tightly. Now, I know how productive and sneaky these little fruit flies are. They are the very best at what they do. Nothing will stop them from getting at that pie. It is like a guy in lust or something; he simply will not stop until he achieves his goal. So, you can now see the similarities between man and this little pesty fly. Both have their attributes as you can see. And, God created them both - and He did it for a reason. He created both of these creatures ( the lustful man and the pesty fruit fly ) to show you how importance the idea of " will " is. God made these creatures to indicate to you just how important the concept of will is. If you have no will you will surely die. That means that God created you to desire things, like sex and eating and all kinds of other things. And, if you do not desire things then God will not like you. So, that is why He created these special pesty creatures to remind you of His will and the will that He wants you to embody as well.
So, that is why God plays favourites. He picks special people ( like me )and things like bugs to perform these tasks. People are just generally sheeplike and they need to be led and they need examples of what to be and how to act. And, that is why He made me special and that is why He created pests as well. Pests are the creatures of desire; of constant desire. They are striving to achieve their ends and to constantly let others know what their demands are. Without these creatures conducting their business in front of you you would forget about desire and will. Man needs constant reminders of what to be and how to act. And, that is why He created special people and that is why He created pests. So, if you want to blame somebody for how I am then blame God, for He is the cause of all things and of all of their behaviour.