Sunday, November 22, 2009

Remembering JFK once again....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday November 22, 2009
I trust everyone is taking time out this morning to remember the great man that was shot down in Dallas in 1963. As you can see that is what I am doing.
John F. Kennedy was a man that was truly loved by the population and many mourned when he died on that fateful day. He was a man that represented hope, and as an American, he did the country well. The United States was still respected as a nation back then and the fall of this man was to be the onset of many new developments for that once proud nation.
The Vietnam War was to rage on, and in time, well, things just seem to get progressively worse for the nation. It would start to head in a new direction; a direction of war and into something called ' Globalization. ' This phenomenon was to come into its own with the advent of the Reagan Adminstration in the 80's. America was turning a corner and once turned things would never be the same. And, I believe that it all started with the death of Kennedy. But, then again, that is just the opinion of one person.
So, thanks for taking time out to remember John F. Kennedy with me and have a nice day.