Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Looking at the picture of a killer....



Good Morning Friends,


today is Tuesday November 17, 2009


Friends, you are looking at the picture of a self-confessed killer. That's right, murder one, murder in the first degree. - the big one. Yesterday, I took a life, the life of a little black bug. I did it and I confess to that sin. I did it suddenly and I did it brutally. If that is my defence that I caused the creature minimal pain, then there it is. I spared the little creature the pain that he might have endured in some other manner of death. But, I kept it from him with my quick and lethal ways.


So, why did I take the life of this creature, me being the one who is constantly talking about the sanctity of life and how important it is to all of us; to know what life is and what a gift it is? And, I took that gift away from that little black creature who dared to enter my life - at the wrong time. And, that is all it was friends, just a pure killing of convenience and something done out of self interest. I did not want to be bothered by a pest, a black pest with tiny little legs, an ugly appearance, a squirmy little thing that just turned me the wrong way. I did not want it in my life, at that moment or at any time in the future.


I killed him in my truck and I dealt the blow with a handy water bottle. So, there you have it. I have even identified the murder weapon for you. A bottle of water did the trick. I dealt him three quick, deadly blows and it was all over. He squirmed no more and would never squirm again. I feared for my future serenity and that is why I dealt to him the blows that I did . I did not want to encounter him at any time in the future and that is why I did what I did. I took his life and now I must pay the price. And, the price that I am paying is having to tell you about this criminal deed that I did yesterday in the AM. Yes, the bug died in the morning and he died in my truck. I did not bury him, but only flicked him away and out of my life. He is now gone and not to be remembered and that is why I brought his life to an end. Please forgive me for I have sinned. I feel the pain of the life that I took and if the pain was not real then you would not be hearing about it now. God bless that little creature and may he rest in peace - the peace that I gave to him.


I just thought I would tell you this little tale friends because it is an example of the importance of life - all life. Now, creatures get eaten and killed every day, by other creatures looking for food, and well, just aggressive animals; it is just what they do. I suppose the real lesson here is that we are all animals. And, that we are all capable of killing under the right conditions. Many of us would go to war to defend our countries and even kill another human being in self defence. Some countries even engage in aggressive warfare and kill other humans, so it is really not an uncommon thing to kill other creatures and even other humans.


But, most of us do not like the idea of killing other living things. Although even though most of us eat meat we do not bother to think about the killing aspect of the thing. The death has become sanitized somehow and we do not think about the life of the animal that we are eating, say like when we go to McDonald's or some similar place. But, indirectly, I think you would have to agree that we are accomplices to murder. If we eat meat from a restaurant or even go out and kill a beast or fowl then we are killers of sorts are we not? I know the Bible talks about sacrificing certain animals at various times, but isn't this just another form of murder - of another life, I mean? Or, perhaps, the religion justifies the killing because man is a greater creature than the one who he is sacrificing. If that is their rationalization then let them live with that rationalization. I suspect that there is no difference between an animal sacrifice and that of sitting down at an evening dinner and feasting on the body of a turkey. What is the difference? I see none. You have killed and you are eating. It is what humans do.


But, you know, over the years I have taken a different approach to life. When I was younger I used to go duck and goose hunting. I liked to shoot them right out the sky and got great pleasure from the activity indeed. But, I can do that no more. For I have changed my attitude toward the whole thing. I could not think of doing anything like that now. I respect the lives of those creatures too much. I would much prefer to take a walk and gaze at the glory of the creatures flying about in the sky. They are beautiful to watch. But, yet I would still enjoy the feast of a chicken or other fowl that landed in front of me. So, how does the human being live with these inconsistencies anyway? How does he justify his actions? For one minute he is in awe at the beauty of a creature and in the next, he thinks nothing of enjoying a meal of the same kind of creature. What gives man his special notions about life anyway and where did he acquire the ability to think the way the does? I have just told you that I killed a tiny, defenceless little creature, but I could also tell you that at other times I would not dare kill any tiny creature. I told you about the loss I felt with the little mouse that died in the lane and how sorry I was that he died. And, I like spiders and tend to leave them alone because they are doing important work for man. Well, maybe that is why I took the life of that little bug yesterday because I perceived that it was not going to do any important work on my behalf. His job was to annoy me and make my life miserable. He had no suitable purpose and could easily be extinguished. So, I made a judgement, that is what I did. I rationalized that it was OK to kill that little bug. But, what if that bug had legal rights then what? Do you think I would have struck it down so easily? Not, on your life. For I value my life just as much as that bug valued his. But, yesterday he had no defence to the strength that I imposed upon him. I guess the lesson here friends is that one day that bigger person, that person or thing with more power is going to enter your life and decide, for whatever reason, to cut it short. And, this person, or this thing, would have that right and there is nothing that you will be able to do. For you will dead anyway. It might not be the hammering blow of a water bottle that will get you, but rest assured that one day your life will come to a crashing close. On the bright side of things, sometimes that unforeseen accident is the fastest way to end one's life. It is sudden and the pain short. Isn't this the best kind of death anyhow, if death must come to all, I mean? However, the biggest threat to your life dear friends is your very own mortality, and its companion, named fate. I hope that your death, as well as my own will be as painless as possible for death must come to us all. I am sorry I killed that little bug, but his death and the pain associated with it could have been a lot worse. I hope he finds time to forgive me for my transgressions. Talk to you all later and have a nice day.
