Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The little warrior makes a move....

Good Morning Friends,

today is Tuesday November 24, 2009

Last day off and then back to work tomorrow. I have a small administrative type task that I have to attend to this morning so I will getting out and about around the same time as I normally would for work. So, that will certainly give me something to do right off the bat.
I am sure many of you have seen the above picture before. It shows up on the main part of my blog when I talk about my early childhood. That is me beaming away up in the top left hand corner. This is 1958 and I am on top of the world so to speak. I am teacher's pet and I am a track star. That's right, I won the most blue ribbons of anybody on Sport's Day in that year. I was a really fast sprinter and I won all of the races on that day.
I also liked school, was a good student and I went to church as well. I was a model citizen when I was young. But, as all things change so did I. None of the things evident here and at this time of my life would be the same when I became an adult. I grew up and I became a different person with different ideas.
But, underneath everything, I was still Carl Baydala of course. Nothing changes who you really are so let us be clear about that. I think the main thing that I kept throughout the years was the determination to win and to outdo other people. I believe this to be a cornerstone of my personality actually and it makes me who I am. So, there you have it, if you are trying to figure me out. I have just provided you with one of the biggest clues imaginable as to my true nature.
Which leads me to today's difficulties and I how I handle them. I am talking about the stock market friends and how I am dealing with it. I don't trust it, but I am forced to deal with it because it is just there - and it must be dealt with. So, that means, that after all of these months I finally made some changes to my portfolio - yesterday and today. I am easing back into stocks, just a bit. Not much at all and most people wouldn't even of thought that I did anything given the small steps that I took. But, I did take a step and that is the important thing. Seems like every time I venture back into the market though the stock gods are waiting in the background and watching me. And, that is when they decide to act. Now, maybe I am just testing the gods and I want to see how they react to my movements. I am not planning on any really serious moves back into stocks, just some minor interventions to take some of the pressure off my money market funds. They are paying next to zero so perhaps it is time to take on a bit of risk even though there is every chance in the world that the market could correct just as it sees me venturing and testing the waters, so to speak.
Here is a terrific article which details for you the current risk in the marketplace. This writer is talking about the banks, currencies, and in fact, the way in which the whole system is set up. The system is phony and it is based on the relationship of the bankers and their dealings with the producing nations of the world, such as China. The time has come for a show down of sorts because the system cannot handle much more of the nonsense that is taking place. There is too much debt and the holders of U.S. dollars are getting nervous. ( the author refers to these U.S. dollars as toilet paper ) Here is the article in question: