Thursday, November 12, 2009

Keeping you up to date...



Good Morning Friends,


today is Thursday November 12, 2009


Vancouver, B.C. Webcams


.Well, good morning again friends. It is back to work again after five days off. Yup, five days off. Sure didn't feel like it that is for sure. Went by kind of quickly actually. Can't say that I got a whole heck of a lot done, but then it doesn't really matter if I get a lot done now does it? Besides, who's counting right? Nobody is breathing down my neck and I do not have to account to anyone. So, I guess I am living a sort of degree of freedom that most people do not have. Does that make me better than the crowd? Well, it just might give me a slight edge if you want the truth of the matter.


Had a dream about my dream girl this morning, except it happened at the end of my sleeping shift and I completely forgot what it was about. So, I guess it was not that important a message otherwise I would have remembered a few of the details. But, then again maybe it was important because her birthday is just one month away. So, perhaps it was a reminder for me to tell you that that big birthday is just one month away. Do you think that was the message of the dream?


Got out and about yesterday and did some shopping. I was down to the finish line on my new coat so I completed that job. It is not much really and it is not a leather coat like I was planning on buying, but it will do. It is just something comfortable for the racetrack that is all. I wanted something to boost my ego a bit and to make me more comfortable psychologically when I am doing my handicapping. Actually, it was kind of a tough battle buying this coat because there were a couple of other competing coats to the one I actually picked out. One was a suede affair but I decided against it because the sleeves were just a bit too long for my liking and it was also difficult to zip up and I wasn't sure about the collar either. So, in the end I discarded it, although it was probably a sharper looking coat than the one I ended up with. The one that I did actually buy had another direct competitor. And, this challenger was exactly the same price and looked the same, with just a couple of differences to note. It was a sportier looking thing with some emblems on the front and on the back. A bit too tacky I thought, but the one thing that it had over the one I bought was the fact that it had some pen holders built in to the left arm of the jacket. Now, that would have been absolutely perfect for my pens and when I go up and make a bet and I do not want to lose my pens and the like. But, in the end I decided on the one that I decided upon because I already have a leather jacket anyway. And, that is what I was initially looking for - a leather jacket. But, after examining a few the previous day and the prices that they were asking for them, well, I changed my mind. It wasn't the price so much as the look of them. I already have a leather jacket, and in my opinion, mine is better than the ones that I was looking at, so that is why I decided on something else. So, I just thought you guys would be interested in how I decided upon my new jacket.


Don't forget to take a look at my play if you get a chance. The link is off to the right hand side there if you are interested. Oh yeah. I washed both my car and my truck after I bought my coat so I guess I got something done after all. Just one more thing I suppose and that is the stock market. You know, I do not really trust this market as I told you earlier, but I have no choice but to get a bit excited since I am almost even. Like I said in a previous post, 2008 was the bad year for everyone and lots of people lost a lot of money. My losses were rather benign compared to most, I think and were in the order of 12%. Well, these losses have almost been completely recovered during this past year and I really am on the verge of breaking even. So, that is a bit of a psychological booster as well. And, I did not sell all of my gold either and I kept a bit for insurance purposes which is also turning out to be a good thing. That is all for now, talk to you later.

