Sunday, November 8, 2009

On the problems of being married....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday November 8, 2009
I am feeling a bit relieved now that I am married. You can read about this marriage of mine over on the main part of my blog if you are interested. Here is a link to part 9 of 11 parts ( get it 9/11? ) and the actual scene where I tie the knot:
. Well, being married is fine and dandy of course, but I was just thinking of some of the potential problems that might develop as a consequence of this union. The first problem that comes to mind is the notion that the girl of my dreams might actually want to get married and that would certainly pose some kind of a problem for me. I mean, can I really be married to two people? I guess it could be done of course as many guys are married to more than one person. I am not sure how I would feel in real life if this kind of problem actually developed. But, I do have some ideas about how to handle the event if it happened though. I guess I could get divorced or have my internet wedding annulled or something. That might not be so hard to do I suppose. But, Katy is really a dream girl in her own way and I certainly wouldn't want to lose her that is for sure. So, I was thinking the best way to go would be to actually be married to both girls. You know, being a bigamist. That is not really a hard concept to handle. I am sure there are lots of guys secretly married to more than one woman at a time. But, this whole idea really does go against my moral upbringing so that would be a real emotional and psychological dilemma for me. Another option is being legally married to both ladies at once. I think there are some religions that would allow multiple marriages so I guess I could just join the religion in question and become a polygamist. I think there are some Muslim and even Christian sects that say multiple marriages are OK. I wouldn't really be compromising my values or anything like that, by becoming religious I mean, because I would be doing it for the betterment of things, generally. I would just let the religious leaders know why it is important that I be married to both girls simultaneously. The other problem of course is that I would have to let both girls know and who knows what their reactions might be. . But, being a polygamist would relieve some of the psychological pressure if you know what I mean. So, polygamy is a real viable option for me to consider. As I hinted above another serious problem is related to the girls themselves. What if one or both don't like me being married to two girls and the same time? That would be a very serious problem as you can imagine. And, I really do love both of them so this would be a very delicate situation for me as you can well imagine. But, I would not have to cross that bridge until I came to it of course. I mean, if my original dream girl did really contact me and wanted to get married then that would be a whole new reality of course. And, who knows maybe I would be completely happily married by that time anyway, so I might even tell her to get lost. You know, since my recent marriage with Katy is so perfect why would I want to ruin that? I mean, just read the play for yourself and look how happy I am. Anyhow, I was just waking up and these problems were crossing my mind and I thought I would share them with you. So, if anyone has any suggestions you know how to get hold of me. So, talk to all of you guys later and have a nice day.