Monday, November 9, 2009

Getting to know me....



Good Morning Friends,


today is Monday November 9, 2009


It is Monday morning once again, and once again I am not going to work. This is just another day off for me. I rather like my semi-retirement routine if you want the truth of the matter. Why, I can spend hours on my computer and enjoy every minute of it. Who would ever of thought, say back in 1967, when I was a teenager in grade 12, that this is what I would be doing when I was sixty years old? Well, for your information, I would have been one of the very last people to think that kind of thing.


So, what has my computer done for me today? Well, just look at the play that I completed recently. An Eleven part play about something that I am really interested in, namely marriage and philosophy. And, both of these themes, among others, show up in this play. Why, just look at the amount of time I spent on that thing. From October 18 to November 7. Now, just add up those days and realize what a big deal this stuff is to me. Twenty One days on one project. And, the play is only in a rudimentary form. I could go over that production many more times and still not be happy with it and I know that. I know that I will be reading it over not too long from now and try and clean it up as best I can. But, I wanted to get it out in the open and published because if I didn't it would become a problem for me later on. This play represents my ' technical ' marriage to somebody or something as was predicted in my Bold Predictions for 2009. Now, being a fatalist such as I am, I feel like I had a bit of control over this part of my life. But, did I really? I mean, think about it. I did this play because it was pre-determined and planned by higher authorities than you or I. Yes, friends I am talking about the gods. Now, it could be Internet gods or it could any number of gods or goddesses at work. Maybe even the love gods. Now, there is a thought eh?


But, I had to get this play out of my system as well. For, if you read my prior posts you will note how relieved I was when I actually got married on the internet, in this play that is. It really felt like something real for me. In fact, I was driving around in my car and the experience was like I had accomplished something important. Being married that is to the person who I would like to be married to. Now, she is just an internet creation of course, but I think you can easily see what I am trying to do with this play of mine. I am sure the psychologists and psychiatrists, or whoever is interested in these kinds of things would like to know more about me. But, they would be wasting their time of course because I have already provided enough information on these pages for anyone to figure out what is going on here. I am simply revealing one life among the billions that is what I am doing. And, every one of us has a story to tell because everyone of us has a history. I think we should all be doing something like I am doing because I think it is a very healthy exercise indeed. In fact, we might even consider making it a mandatory course in high school. An endeavour like this would help all of us figure out who we are and how we fit into the system. And, if some of us do not fit into the system then the people responsible for such things can help people out and make sure that everyone is part of the community and make him or her a safe and responsible citizen. Why, just think of all of these mass killings lately. Do you think these things occur in a vacuum? Well they certainly do not and it is the job of all of us to be more sensitive to those around us. Remember, if a person feels disgruntled, or oppressed or unloved, or whatever, these kinds of social manifestations can be dealt with as they occur because they will be identified. Now, don't get the wrong impression by reading this post and this particular idea of mine here. I am not one of the psychotic ones. The psychotic ones are the ones who are so in to themselves that they cannot even bother to associate with all of their peers or others who happen to live in the same society. Remember, we are in the internet age now and that represents an opportunity for all us - to come together.


Now, what do you really think of my play I wonder? There is a lot in there you know. I mean, philosophy interests and love interests are there. Marriage and the sexual component of marriage is in there too, like physical desire, for example. And, if you are interested in the existence of God, why I have that covered too. But, the big personal thing, for me that is, is the actual marriage aspect. I would like to be married to the girl of my dreams. Unfortunately, she is not interested at this time. But, as the play points out, it is a possibility. And, that possibility could occur with some kind of Divine Intervention. So, this play represents a form of hope as well. Now, it might be a little far fetched for the average person, but think about this. A majority of Americans believe in God. I do not believe in God as He is defined. So, who is the delusional one I ask you? Me or the American population? Well, I think I have already answered that question for you. If people can believe in God then I can believe in a fantasy as well. And, who do you think has the better chance for success? Me or the believers in God?


I decided to show you these flowers again as they appear at the top of the page. I don't know what these flowers are since I am not a flower person per se. Maybe somebody could leave me a little note and let me know. This picture was taken with my Blackberry pager in the lane where us couriers hang out.


Well, that is all for now. I might get out and about later on and do some work. Talk to you all later.
