Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Beautiful June weather....



Good Morning Friends,



today is Tuesday June 2, 2009


Well, to be honest about things I didn't even go out yesterday and I know that the weather was fantastic. Oh well. Maybe I am just getting too old to appreciate the good weather now that it is here. Or, maybe I am just lazy. Who knows or cares anyhow? Certainly not me. I am being forced to go out today because I have to get an oil change for my truck. Do you think I should put out a special bulletin on Twitter and let the world know that this is coming down?

June is a really great month for weather here in Vancouver. Why, you can almost count on it actually. Just like the rains in the Fall and Winter I guess. Well, at least we can count on something I suppose.


I notice that things are heating up in the Middle East again. The conflict never seems to stop now that I think about it. But, I did not always think about the wars over there. For me, that is a relatively recent phenomenon; thinking about things over there that is. In a couple of days I am going to do a post on 1967 over on the main part of my blog. I mentioned this detail in yesterday's post as well just in case you forgot. Part of my post will be mentioning the Six Day War which occurred in June of 1967. When I was a teenager I never thought much about things over there and I don't think my friends did either. But, we sure think about these things now let me tell you. Well, I do at least because I cannot speak for anybody else.


Anyhow, I was thinking of playing a song from 1966 because that was the year before 1967 and I do not really want to jump the gun on '67 so to speak. I would have been in grade 11 in 1966. The year doesn't really bring back too many memories for me actually. I would have been driving a motorcycle and working at the amusement park in the summer. That would have been my routine. I could probably tell you right now that I was the fastest ballboy that amusement park ever saw, well, that was my rating anyhow. I worked in the ' One Ball ' joint. We called concessions ' joints ' by the way. I was really fast at my job and I really liked it let me tell you. Anyhow, more stories about that later. You might want to check out the main part of my blog for a more detailed account of my life in 1965 if you are interested since I talk more about my motorcycle and that kind of thing there.


So, let me see. What kind of music was I listening to in 1966? Remember, I was not a big Beatles or Stones fan, but some of the British singers did songs that I liked to listen to. But, I was always sort of a love songs kind of person, more or less. I noticed that on the top of the charts in 1966 was a war song: The Ballad Of The Green Berets, by Sgt. Barry Sadler. Interesting of course. Remember, this is the Vietnam War period. .. A good old love song that Carl Baydala could relate to, then and now, is more fitting, I think. Listen to the words of the following song and see if you can figure things out from there. ...Thanks for checking in dear friends and I will talk to you tomorrow. Here is the song now:


Ray Conniff - Somewhere My Love



