Monday, July 6, 2009

Say goodbye to Sarah up in Alaska...

Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday July 6, 2009
What's with these Alaskan chicks anyway? One day they are on the scene and the next day they are history. I kinda liked Sarah when she first became widely known. Mostly I suppose because she made me think about good old Karen who lives up there. Karen is the girl that I want to get married to in case you did not know. And, if I ever get the chance to ask her in person then I will do it. A couple of good looking girls if you ask me, and smart and hard working. That is what I see in these women. There are political and religious issues here as well, as regarding Sarah that is. But, I do not think I will talk about these things today because I want to try and stay in my generally good frame of mind. And, besides I am still not feeling all that great either so I do not want to upset my serenity by talking about things that I will know will just bring me down.
Well, back to the music and 1969
I liked Jay and the Americans. They did happy music and that is what I like to listen to.