Sunday, July 5, 2009

Don't get mad - get even....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday July 5, 2009

Had a pretty decent day at the track yesterday. I won four triactors and that is all that I bet of course with my system at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. So, because of back-to-back weekend wins, I think that I have recovered my losses for the season and I am about even. And, when I am at the races I never get mad, I just try and get even. And, it is the same thing for me in life as well. There is no sense in getting mad even though we all do of course. I guess the operating principle is that: whatever goes around comes around. I hope that works with girls too because I am still kind of stuck in this area as all of you guys know by now. Oh well, I am still alive for a bit longer yet so we shall see. Actually, how creepy is that. I was reading this article on Michael Jackson and his death. Apparently, 154,000 people die every day and Jackson was just one of them. Wow! Think about it. I guess that is supposed to make us feel better or something, that we will not be going alone, I mean. Thanks for the consolation eh? Here is the link to the article and the stats on Jackson:
Just another thing about that post I did on picking up women. My female friend, who will remain unnamed of course, is critical of that post. There was nothing mal-intentioned about it all and nothing of a sexual deviant theme. But, I changed it anyway so as to express myself better and to get my point across more effectively. If you do not understand Carl Baydala then you might have a hard time trying to figure out his methods, intents, and his philosophy. If my friends have a hard time understanding me you can just imagine how hard things must be for my acqaintances and the like. Here is a link to the post in question:
And, from the music scene in 1969. Not my favourite kind of music, but typical.....
Motherlode - When I Die