Sunday, February 28, 2010

Have you voted yet?


Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday February 28, 2010
Well, welcome to the end of the month friends. And, a short one and a good one it was. This is the last day of the Olympics here in Vancouver as well. And, it looks like we did pretty good after all. So, Canada should be very proud of what they accomplished here - all of Canada. Now, I must admit that I did not watch anything on television since I do not like to watch the mainstream media. Nope, not even hockey. Not interested. I have just gotten used to the idea of not wasting my time watching television and being indoctrinated about political and cultural things, especially as it relates to war and such things coming out of the U.S. So, I suppose the Olympics is a victim of collateral damage so to speak on my part. You have to take the good with the bad and that kind of thing. But, well done Canada and it sure was a big thrill to drive downtown and view all of the happy people down there. So, I hope everyone visiting Vancouver had a good time too. It was sure a proud moment for all of us let me tell you.
On the main part of my blog I have a poll going. Only one person has responded so far and that was probably a personal friend of mine. I am not even going to read that one poll result since I know how that person likes to display humor from time to time if you know what I mean. That person knows the real me so they are allowed to say whatever they want to say and I will think nothing of it whatsoever. And, that is because they are a REAL friend of mine. This person knows the real me, not like some other friends and acquaintances of mine - not mentioning any names of course. Actually, most of my friends know the real me and that is why they are my friends. I will take that as a given of course. Anyway, here is a link to the post in question:Would you let your daughter marry this person? The post is mostly humorous and anyone that knows me will pick up on that right away. But, to the perfect stranger, well, I might come across as a bit of an oddity. That remains to be seen as you can certainly appreciate. So, hopefully someone else from the ' outside ' will stumble on the site and express some kind of an opinion. I am not expecting much of a response to this poll if you want the truth of the matter and I would be surprised if anybody but my one friend even bothers with the poll. That is the real me speaking friends just so you know what I am really like. I am not a weirdo or even a ' psycho ' so I hope everybody is glad to know that.
Once again I did not make any money at the track last night and my losses are starting to pile up a bit. I met a gentleman who showed me how he conducts himself at the racetrack and at the Meadowlands. He pointed something out to me which kind of got my attention. He was looking at fractional times and it was really rather interesting. I look and use fractional times myself, but in a different manner. Now, in one race in particular with his methods he picked out five horses. Now, my system picked out the SAME five horses, but with a lot more work. Needless to say I did not win this race because I only bet 14 dollars per race. But, this fellow decided to bet 60 dollars on that race and he boxed all five of them. He won the triactor and I did not. And, it was a decent payoff as well. After subtracting his 60 dollar investment he made a profit of about 120 dollars. So, he doubled his money. That is OK, but I cannot see betting 60 dollars every race and spending 600 dollars for being entertained for ten races. That doesn't make sense to me at all. But, what does make sense to me is the simple method that he uses. Now, I can see using his methods as a control device for my system, sort of like watching for horses that I am missing with my system. So, I going to somehow use his methods in my system; I am going to utilize it as a control device like I said. Talk to you all later.