Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Day After....



Good Morning Friends,


today is Saturday February 6, 2010


The Day After you say? Yes indeed friends my birthday has come and gone once again - and without incident. This means that it was just another normal birthday, as far as birthdays go that is. Got quite a few " Happy Birthday " greetings from many acquaintances and strangers as well.. Well, maybe acquaintances are just strangers too. Who knows or cares eh? The point is dear friends is that I celebrated yet another important milestone in my life. I am one year older and now I am working on the next year in the series of life.


I celebrated my birthday at Fraser Downs Racetrack in Cloverdale B. C. just like I said I would. Now, I have to tell you right off the bat that I went a little overboard in my betting. In fact, I was betting two tracks at once, namely The Meadowlands in New Jersey and also Woodbine in Toronto. The reason I did that is because of the threat of snow in New York and New Jersey. So, I had a back up track and already to go. Actually, Woodbine can produce wins for me with my system. It is particularly good in the higher class trotters. In fact, I just missed an 800 dollar triactor there last night and it was quite exciting indeed. Also, I had all of the horses for a fit for the Superfector as well which paid close to 5,000 dollars. All of the winning horses were in my top five picks. And, my top horse won the race. So, the system does work - to a point.


The Meadowlands was a general disappointment overall. I won only one very minor triactor for the whole night. I am not necessarily making excuses, but Friday night is not the best of nights for me at the Meadowlands. Saturday is still my best day overall for success and that is why I generally only go to the track on Saturdays. There is more money around and higher class horses performing on these days. The bottom line is that I lost friends and donated all of my winnings back from last weekend. But, that is the price you pay for having a birthday on a Friday night combined with the threat of snow. That is the reason for my losses friends. So, altogether I am 3/7 for the meet and I am down $24.55 to date. So, not bad all things considered. That is what my one months entertainment has cost me so far. So, back to the grindstone today and hope to see you all out there if you are coming. And, yes I am still hoping that the love gods or even the racing gods themselves have something in store for me besides losing. Winning " something " would be nice don't you think? Talk to you all later.


Snow watch for racing tonight:

Hourly Weather Forecast For New Jersey