Saturday, February 20, 2010

Vancouver Olympics 2010: Thrill of a lifetime....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Saturday February 20, 2010
Above is a picture that I took on July 26, 2006. The polar bear was meant to be a reminder of the Winter Olympics in 2010. Friends, I have never felt such excitement in my life as with this current Olympics thing. It was my first trip downtown yesterday since the start of the whole affair. And, what an experience let me tell you. The downtown core is pure excitement - all action - EVERYWHERE. I don't know where the thrill is coming from, but you can literally feel it. Throngs of happy people on the streets, just walking everywhere. Happy faces and if you are a Canadian and a Vancouverite, well you are as proud as hell. The taller buildings have these massive photo banners draped on their sides displaying Olympics pictures and captions like " Welcome World. " Just Awesome! I suspect that the brilliant sunshine and majestic North Shore Mountains and their snowy peaks in the background are doing their bit as well. I was cruising up Hornby Street heading north on the way to make a delivery and I saw a younger woman wearing an Olympics jacket. It was a red jacket and it read " Russia ". So, that was kind of neat to see the foreign athletes cruising the streets as well. There is action everywhere friends. I even saw a news truck from Alaska parked right on Georgia Street capturing all of the action for the folks up in Anchorage Alaska as well. It was a huge blue truck with satellite rigging on it. I wonder how they got that truck here. I thought of my dream girl of course and wondered if she was picking up on the action in her part of the world. That was the climax of my day of course as you can well imagine. And, you just know that I wanted to take a snap of that truck but I did not have a chance to do it. ...Friends, I don't care where you are in the world this is one huge event. You would do well to just jump on a plane and get on up here and experience a once in a life-time thing. That is what the local newscasts are reporting too with their on the scene reports. It is truly a once in a life-time event. So, don't miss it. Join the action and experience it for yourselves. Here is a little video that my friend sent me yesterday in my mailbox. It is a bunch of happy people down on Robson Street during the opening of the Olympics. Check this out:
In other news. If I dare of course. Today is a racing day. A reminder to my friends and acquaintances: if you are popping into town you know where I will be. Post time in New Jersey is 1600 hrs and if you need a ride just contact me. So, if the Olympics excitement is too much for you there is always harness racing to kind of mellow things out a bit for you. Talk to you all later and have a nice day.