Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sheephood is not for me....



Good Morning Friends,


today is Wednesday February 17, 2010


Back to the grindstone friends after a bunch of days off. That's right, more than the usual number of days off. Who's counting when you are having fun eh? Well, certainly not me that is for sure. Anyway, it looks like a bit of sunshine and the Olympics are in full force now. And, that is the way things should be - perfect. I mean, after all, we do live in God's country here, even if there is no God, that is.


Have you ever said to yourself " I wish I could have done that or I wish I could be like him. " or similar sounding words? Well, a little confession from me will reveal that I most definitely have had those kinds of thoughts. Why, just this morning I was thinking how great it would have been to be a journalist. You know, I never even gave the idea a second thought when I was going to university. Maybe that is because there was no such thing as a journalism department at our school. Or, if there was I never discovered it. It is something that never even came close to entering my mind. A journalism career was not something that occupied my thoughts - at all. But, it sure does now let me tell you. However, that is not my point. You are never going to get anywhere in life by dwelling on the past and the countless ' could have beens ' that dominate the history of mostly all of us. There is no profit in that kind of thinking whatsoever. You and I have made our decisions and now we must live with them. Dreaming about the could have beens is kind of like thinking like a religionist or a Christian even. There is no God, so get over it. And, similarly, we cannot dig up the past and give it a makeover. Just don't go there. It ain't going to happen, nor should it. Friends, what I am trying to say is: quit making excuses. I mean, I have progressed and so should you. You are what you are and your past is the past. That is why they call it the past and that is because it is no more. You cannot magically change the past. Knowing about this detail of life should allow you to be more successful with life once you know and accept this fact.


However, I want to say something just slightly positive about thinking about things that could have been. There is a bit of a positive aspect to thinking about the could have beens and here it is: OK, so you had a dream about being something or thinking about something that you could have done differently. Well, that is fine. But, you have to be able to do something positive with your, basically, negative thought. You have to think about how you can make your dream or past thought into something positive for - today. Like right now I am thinking about a great article that I just read. It is entirely the kind of thing that I would have written because it contains the very same ideas that swirl about in my mind. But, it is written by what I would call a professional. Here is the article right here:The Economic Elite Have Engineered an Extraordinary Coup,
Threatening the Very Existence of the Middle Class

The point that I am trying to drive home friends is that it is OK to go back in time just a little bit and dream about the could have beens, with a proviso of course. And, that would be to not change the past, but think about changing the future because that is the only thing left that you might be able to control or at least have an influence upon. Like, think about writing a better article with some unique perspective that nobody has ever thought about before. I am thinking of originality of course. And, that is the stuff that success is made out of friends. And, that is why I keep stressing my individuality wherever and whenever I can on these blog pages of mine. I do that because I have learned that it pays to be different. That's right, it pays to be yourself. You and I are just about as different as anyone is going to get from the other guy so that is the thing that we must all capitalize upon. Individuality and originality. Maybe this is one of the reasons why I am so against religion and what it represents. Sheephood. Who the hell wants to be a sheep anyway? I mean. Look at all the trouble that these characters get themselves into by following the other guy. Thanks for checking in and have a nice day.