Monday, February 15, 2010

House cleaning and other things....



Good Morning Friends,


today is Monday February 15, 2010


Well, welcome to mid-month friends and day four I think of the Winter Olympics here in Vancouver. I think it was a pretty and sunny day here yesterday, but I am not sure since I did not deal with nature in any form whatsoever. I am doing a bit of construction on my site here if you manage to start digging around a bit. I have deleted quite a few posts and incorporated some of the blogs into the main part. So, now I have only three blogs left. I mean, having six parts to my system did not make much sense for the general reader trying to make sense of things, although it might have been easier for me to study some of the issues that I am interested in. But, for the general reader who is interested in my thoughts and my interests you will be able to understand what I am doing just by reading through the main part of my blog and, if interested, you can read my daily thoughts right here. This is where most of the action in my life is occurring anyway. Hopefully I will get a few more looky loos once I have made all of the changes.


I am still generally depressed about world events and the stock market. And, there is a connection between the two as you can well imagine. I mean, the financial crash of 07 and 08 is still having world-wide repercussions as you can readily see. How far can a stock market climb when everyone is interesting in maintaining their station in life and just paying their bills? Well, I think you know what I mean. People are tightening up and they just do not know what the future holds. The wars continue and the debt keeps climbing. The status quo is being maintained friends and the face of the status quo is the uncertainty that all of us must endure. So, thanks for reading and have a nice day.
