Sunday, May 24, 2009

On being a man....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Sunday May 24, 2009
Friends, my topic this morning is manhood. Manhood is a very important issue for men. It is so important that I don't think any other thing is on the mind of a man more often than this crucial thing, except perhaps thinking about women. And, these things surely go hand in hand as I am sure you are all aware.
The inspiration for my theme this morning was my stunning losses at the races yesterday evening. Quite simply, my harness racing triactor system let me down and I was zero for twelve races. That means I did not win a dime. Nothing. All I received was the entertainment value of the sport; that was my consolation prize if you will. But, I bucked up. Yes, friends the buck stopped on my desk and there was no one to blame but myself. I took the heat for the losses and I did it like a man. I was gracious to myself in my defeat. I did not swear or call out for an intifada on the world or of racing or of the drivers, owners, and their horses. No, I took my resounding defeat like a man. And, how did I do this? Well, I just assessed the situation and said to myself: this is how the racing gods conduct their business; they are testing me and my durability and I must not let them down - and I did not. I know my system is solid and when the horses are running in top form and conditions are favourable then I will win - and I know that I will win. It is just a matter of time and waiting, waiting for the right set of conditions to produce the desired results for me. Friends, I have faith in myself and my system. Our day will come and I will most likely recover all of my losses and then some. That is an act of faith in the racing gods, combined with being a man. Manhood is tough sometimes, but it is possible to be a man even under extreme conditions. Some men are beaten by the odds and some are not; the trick is to overcome the obstacles - by being a man. And, being a man means knowing what the odds are and what to do about them.


Dear friends I hope I have made myself perfectly clear on this manhood issue. But, there is more. There is more because when you are talking about manhood you are automatically talking about women as well as I mentioned above. Now, sometimes situations with women can be really challenging. But, let the challenge be what it is - it is a chance to prove your manhood. And, the woman expects it of you so do not let her down. When women give you a hard time or perhaps even reject you for whatever reason, this is time for your manhood to shine as well. Assess the situation and realize what is going on between you and your woman. The love gods are in charge of this critical area just as the racing gods control your fortunes at the racetrack. Friends, I hope I don't have to spell it out for you. Be a man and let things be as they may. A woman will love you all the more if she sees that you are a man. A man waits his turn in love just as he must at the racetrack. Your day will come, but in the meantime you must be a man and accept your fate. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Here is the song of the day for you from 1963:

Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons

Walk Like A Man

