Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm a lover not a fighter....


Good Morning Friends,


today is Tuesday May 26, 2009

Friends, I am a lover, not a fighter. That really is the root of my personality you know. So, don't take too much stock in all of my macho talk lately because that is not the real me. I will listen to a good love song anytime over some rowdy sounding thing. So, just keep that in mind when you are trying to figure me out, if you have not done so already, that is.


Had a bit of a dream this morning. It was kind of interesting actually. It was about an opportunity, an opportunity that I was not interested in. But, it was still an opportunity and that means that someone believes in me and my abilities. So, let that be a lesson for you - someone will present you with an opportunity at some point in your life. You will know that it is an opportunity when you are confronted with it. At least I hope you will anyway, because if you don't then you will not be able to understand what kind of a person you are and what other people think of you and your capabilities. So, just keep these things in mind when an opportunity lands on your desk. Only you can decide if it is an opportunity of course, and then you must further decide whether or not to act upon it. I hope you can all appreciate what I am hinting at here. Friends, there are opportunities out there and lots of them. But, of course in the final analysis nothing is an opportunity if you decide, for whatever reason, not to act upon it.


Anyhow, I do not have much else to say on this my last day off. Back to work tomorrow and I am still capitalizing on an old opportunity from the past. I think that is one way of looking at my job don't you think?


Here is my song of the day. I kind of liked this song back in 1963 now that I think about it. It made me mellow out and relax, just like all the good old love songs. And, being the lover that I am, well, naturally I was attracted to a song like this one.



Sunny & The Sunliners "Talk To Me"




