Plato (c. 427-347 B.C.E)
Good Morning Friends,
Today is Wednesday May 20, 2009
Well, it is back to work Wednesday for me. Check out Plato above. He is a really famous Greek philosopher as I am sure you are all aware. It is supposed to be his birthday tomorrow so I guess we should take time out and wish him a happy birthday. So, Happy Birthday Plato! There, I did it.
Funny thing about Plato. I don't know whether he was a bachelor or not. I am hoping he is so that I can include him in my Bachelor Philosopher series in another part of my blog. The link is on the side bar if you are interested. But, when you read the bios on the man nobody mentions this detail of his life. It is almost an act of censorship or something. Like, was he married or not? What is the big secret here?
We know that he was sort of handsome and a well-built man with broad shoulders, or was it his broad head that made people call him Plato? Seems like a decent pick for the ladies, like coming from a wealthy connected family and all. He seems like prime marrying material, except we still do not know what his social situation was with respect to women. Nobody talks about this detail of his life. His mentor, Socrates was a grubby man of poor means, but he was married, so just what is the deal with Plato?
Plato is a huge figure in philosophy. He started off this business about the forms and ideas. He was an idealist philosopher of course and this is why the Christians like him. They like him because it makes their religion more saleable to the public; there is a God and there exists this business of idealism ( eternal things exist like forms and Gods ) which makes the idea of a god possible. Plato was also known for the idea of Platonic love, among other things. Physical love according to Plato was much less important than real love, which is characterized as caring for another person and not wanting to love them strictly for sexual pleasure. All in all he is an important man that has stood the test of time. But, what about the women? It is the same thing with Jesus Christ, why the omitting of this aspect of their lives?
The song of the day is by Roy Orbison. I was a big Orbison fan as a teenager and I was immediately attracted to his style of singing. Once again, I think I am a closet country and western fan, or maybe just I am blues fan or somebody hooked on love songs. Not sure where Roy fits in, but I know that the country people like him. And, yes I even bought the Roy Orbison songs as a young teenager too. And, I have a Roy Orbison cd in my unit right now.
Talk to you all tomorrow and have a nice day.
So, here is Roy Orbison singing his 1961 hit song:
Running Scared