Good Morning Friends,
Today is Tuesday April 28, 2009
Well, today is my last day off and then back to work tomorrow. And, the picture above is the Last Supper featuring Jesus. Now, when Jesus was crucified and all was said and done Christianity could finally get underway; the groundwork had been set by the killing of Jesus.
I guess the point of the whole thing is that it is first things first. There would be no Christianity if Jesus was not crucified, so his death was necessary for Christianity to flourish and to even develop as a world religion. I believe that fatalism is an important attribute here, well, for me anyway. I think things just happen and there is nothing that we can do about it? Did the Father in Heaven make Jesus die? Of course he did and if he didn't there wouldn't be a heaven and there wouldn't be a God. But, all of these things are fatalistic in nature; they simply have to occur - because they must. You cannot predict the future but you cannot deny the past. I think that is the most basic lesson of history and of mankind.
So, what has the killing of Christ got to with my circumstance anyway? Well, just about everything actually. Today is my last day off and my future begins again tomorrow. Will I get crucified today you might ask? Well, in a way the answer is yes. But, it certainly won't be the kind of crucifixion that Christ experienced. Nevertheless, it will be a kind of crucifixion for me. Later on today my life as I lived it today will die and it will forever be just history. No matter how I try and change my life nothing will emerge that was not meant to be. Fate will drive my day just as it will drive all of my tomorrows. And, that is the lesson of life in a nutshell I believe. So, accept your fate whatever it might be and enjoy it for what it is. And, if you must die today then die and let things be. Because there will be a tomorrow just like there was a today. But, since we are dealing with the future we are dealing with the unknown, and that is the way that things should be. And, it is the way that they shall forever be. Jesus Christ and others like him stepped into this world to let us know about the present and the future. He died like all men will die. And, just what did he accomplish by dying? He showed once and for all the importance of mortality and what it really is. Mortality is the knowing that all life means death. But, each death is unique since no person knows how and when it will occur. I think the lesson of Jesus Christ is one of hope, hope that there is a future after death. I am not sure if there is life after death, but I am quite sure that fatalism will decide the manner and condition of all events, past, pesent, and future.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day