Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Morning Friends,
Today is Tuesday April 14, 2009
This is my last day off and then back to work tomorrow. I notice that the sun is poking through the blinds in the window. It is just before 9 o'clock in the morning. That is always a good sign now isn't it - that I am going to get to live for another day, that is. Life is sure great if you want my opinion on the matter. When everything is going well that is. Remember, things are not going well for some of us so I think we should bear these things in mind. I think we should all be thankful that we are going to be allowed to live for yet another day. God, I should have been a priest or something eh? Do you think I am inspiring? Well, probably not. I believe I am just lucky to be alive and I hope you guys are as well.
The above photo is the ' VanCity ' building. That is what we call it in the courier business anyway. Its real name is ' Central City '. I go into that building all of the time when I am working in the Whalley area of Surrey here. In fact, I do not live too far away from this structure. It is a fine edifice indeed and houses many government workers and university students as well. Whalley is changing its face and is becoming a somewhat better place to live. The area still has lots of problems such as homeless people and the like. These people are part of the environment and they are everywhere on the streets. Maybe it is the proximity to the skytrain that is behind some of our problems as well. Well, that is what some people say anyhow; that Vancouver is dropping its undesirables on us out here in Surrey. Oh well, it is just part of the character of the neighbourhood I suppose. Sooner or later things will get better and hopefully this social problem will correct itself. In the meantime, the Whalley area is improving and when things are going well during the day it is a perfectly good place in which to live and to do business. The Whalley district in fact is loaded with shops and services and is becoming quite centrally located. Surrey City Hall is even going to be building a new structure in the area. And, we all are well-served of course by the Skytrain which runs right through the heart of our community. It is very pleasant living here on a beautiful sunny day. So, all in all this is a great place to live and I am happy that I live here. Have a nice day and talk to you all later.