Monday, April 13, 2009

Good morning April 13, 2009

Good morning
today is Monday, April 13, 2009
So, how are you all doing today anyhow? I hope everyone is fine and enjoying the holidays, the Easter holidays, that is. Not all of us are Christians of course, but that does not mean that we cannot participate in the holidays of the Christians. We have been doing it all of our lives, so why stop now, eh? Well, you know what I mean I suspect. Jesus was undoubtedly a good man, a fine man and a good philosopher to boot. Just as Rene Descartes, pictured above was as well. Remember his famous saying, Cogito Ergo Sum: " I think, therefore I am. " And, both Rene and Jesus of course were fine upstanding bachelors such as myself. It is a good feeling to be in such fine company as these two gentlemen. It makes my life all the more worth living let me assure you. And, if these two gentlemen made it through life and on to the next then I can as well. Now, Rene was a dedicated Catholic of course and Christ was, well, he would become a ' Christian ' when all was said and done. And, what of Carl Baydala and his gift to society? Well, that remains to be seen of course. The future is always in front of us and never behind. That is the beauty of the future, it is always in front and something to look forward to. A fine thing this future business don't you think?