Monday, April 27, 2009

Still a bear market


Good Morning Friends,
Today is Monday April 27, 2009
Enjoying another day off from the courier wars. I have many things on my mind this Monday morning, but I do not necessarily want to bore you with the details. I still think the stock market is in a bit of pickle and I am not planning on pumping any money into stocks at this time. My portfolio is up a bit since the beginning of the New Year, but so what? All I am interested in is preserving my capital since quite a bit of it was extracted from me just like everybody else's was. You simply have to be on guard during these perilous times because the game is about control and power. Those with power and those with control like to keep things that way if they can, so just be cautious and do not do anything stupid with your money. Who am I to talk anyway eh? Anyhow, here is a great little audio piece if you are interested in things like power and banking and finance and the like. It is called ' The Financial Barbarians at the Gate ' or something like that. Anyhow, it is a really good listen and explains in precise terms what the bankers are up to. The interviewee is a professor, a Dr. Michael Hudson, who seems to know of what he is talking about:
Well, hope you guys have a nice day and enjoy this audio piece. It might even change your mind a bit and think about world finance from time to time, just like it made me do. Talk to you all tomorrow and have a nice day.