Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday April 17, 2009

Good Morning Friends,
Today is Friday April 17, 2009



The above two pictures are located in the Whalley area of Surrey. This is usually where I start my day off as a courier. You will notice the dominant structure of the Central City tower in the background of course. I guess this is kind of like the Eiffel Tower of Whalley for lack of a better explanation.



The above picture is a McDonald's in Richmond right by the Knight Street Bridge. The other side of the building is a little smarter looking than this view. This is looking towards the west. Notice the airplane in the sky. It is headed toward the airport which is located on Sea Island. I lived on Sea Island for a bit when I was a child living in Richmond. Richmond is where I grew up and that was mostly in the fishing village of Steveston which is located in the southwestern part of Richmond. This particular McDonald's is where I ended my day and where I purchased a coffee and a burger. Sometimes I have a coffee and a muffin instead. Now that is a real bargain for $1.46 let me tell you. Today is my last day at work and then I get to enjoy a bunch of days off in a row again. Remember, I am just a part-timer now, sort of a tourist if you know what I mean.


Just a reminder that tomorrow is a racing day at Cloverdale. So, if you guys are popping into town from out of town and want to go you know how to get in touch with me. Post time at the Meadowlands in New Jersey is 1600 hrs. local time out here on the West Coast. Talk to you all later and have a nice day.


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