Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What would Jesus do?


Good Morning Friends,


today is Tuesday February 2, 2010

I don't actually have a lot to say this morning friends and I could have gotten by without saying a word. But, I promised myself that as long as I was alive that I would try and get something down on paper every day. Even if it appears meaningless or trivial. I guess the most that I can say about this week is that it is my birthday week, so I suppose there is some cause for celebration right there. I am still alive and that is quite an event as you can certainly appreciate. Remember how suddenly Michael Jackson died last year? Well, that is what life is all about friends, the simplicity of the thing is living and dying. There is nothing else to life at all. Think about it. If there was no death then there would be no such thing as life. Life is the opposite of death and death is the thing that gives meaning to life. Simple eh? You would not know what life is if death did not exist. Now that is really a thought now isn't it? God, I hate to be so gory on my birthday week, but I guess I started the whole thing all on my own. Actually, it is not that creepy now that I think about it. Living and dying I mean. When you are dead you won't know anything anyway. Your consciousness light bulb will simply go out and that will be the end of it. I guess that is why there are atheists in this world because that is what they believe in. Do you believe in God? Well, lots of people do you know. Nobody knows if God exists of course but that does not matter to those who simply believe. They believe because they want to believe. You know, I have been doing quite a bit of reading lately on this topic and its relation to world dominance by certain groups in the world. Yup, I am talking conspiracy here and that is one big topic for me let me tell you. I kind of take the side of the atheists, in terms of philosophy that is. The only problem with taking the side of the atheists is that these appear to be the bad guys according to many who study the topic. I am talking about the influence of religion and world domination friends if you are not following me. You know, Satan and the Illuminati and that kind of thing. The Christians and other theists believe that Satan is the evil one and the atheists and Communists who accept the notion of atheism are the evil ones. So, it is just one big battle that is for sure. Once again, I have to side with the atheists but I do not consider myself to be one of the Illuminati or world controllers. I cannot be anyway because I do not have enough power to be one of them. All I can do is to sit back and watch. This is a real dilemma for me you know because how do I choose the good guy or the bad guy? There is good and bad on both sides of the struggle. I mean just think about it. I believe in the atheistic part of the thing, but not in the world domination part or the fact that the goyim are like cattle. You are a goyim if you are not one of the Chosen so get used to the idea. That is the view that comes out of Judaism and the Talmud in case you did not know. So, to throw my hat in with the atheists I would have to believe in some kind of superiority over others. And, I am certainly not willing to do that. On principles alone I would have to join the Christians or other theists. But, there is a problem here as well. I would have to believe in the notion of a Supreme God. I cannot do that either. For my money this is just another form of control. The whole thing is mind control if you ask me. I mean, the Christians are asking me to reject the atheists and the world control types, but at the same time they are asking me to believe in God and be on their side. How can I do that? How do I know if the Christians and the believers are not interested in world domination themselves? I mean, once I go on their side then I am committed to one way of thinking and then they would have control over me and my mind. I cannot let them do that. So, these are the kinds of issues that I struggle with on a daily basis friends. I mean, it looks like certain groups want to control us, our minds and the world. So, what side do we take, if we have to take sides, I mean? I suppose that these are the kinds of things that Jesus thought about as well. He would be struggling with life issues just like I am doing. He was against the money changers and he really despised those guys and that is why they killed him. So, what would Jesus do if He were me and had to live with the kinds of things that I have to live with? I guess we have to realize that not much really changes over time. The struggle goes on and it is our job to try and figure it out. Is it worth taking sides on when the risks are so great, one way or the other? Now, if you are not on the side of Jesus and what He stands for then I guess my question is rather meaningless for you. You are not interested in what Jesus thinks or does. You would be interested in what Satan would like to do under similar circumstances. To each his own I guess. Have a nice day friends and talk to you all later - Satan or Jesus willing, that is.